13 Interesting Facts About the People of Diba Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Diba ethnic group are quite a unique people with a lot of interesting facts and they are part of over three hundred ethnics group in Nigeria. These people have their own culture and traditions like any other ethnic group that can be found in Nigeria but you will notice some similarities between them and their closest neighbours.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Diba Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Diba Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Diba Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. The State of Residence

The Diba people can be found in Taraba state, they are not considered among the major ethnic groups of the state and not much is known about them. Taraba state is a state that has more than eighty ethnic groups.

2. Their Language

In the state of Taraba, you can find so many different languages. The Diba people also have their own language that they speak though over time they have come to speak the language of the major tribes in the State.

3. Their Climate is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Diba Ethnic Group

The Diba people live in a land whose climate is marked by an average temperature of 330C. the land has a high level of cold in January and increased rainfall in August.

4. Their Education

When it comes to education the Diba people are well educated, education is now more easily available than back in the old days, now every child goes to school and can even decide to further.

5. Their Major Occupation

The major occupation of the Diba people is Agriculture, then they are quite known to produce cash crops such as coffee, tea, groundnuts and also cotton. Other crops that are also produced include maize, rice, millet, cassava and others.

6. Their Other Occupation is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Diba Ethnic Group

Apart from agriculture the Diba people also rear animals such as goats, sheep and cattle. These animals are reared in large numbers.  You can also find them making clothes dyeing, weaving, fishing and so many other occupations.

7. Natural Resources

The Diba people are blessed with natural resources, the land in which they occupy is one that is filled with natural resources such as Barytes, Bauxites, Graphite, Limestone, Gypsum, Kaoline, Feldspar, Mica and many more.

8. Their Skin Colour

The people of Taraba state are majorly known for their skin colour as dark-skinned or black. People usually work under the sun and that is why they have so many melanins in their skin. Melanin also protects the skin from the sun’s harsh rays.

9. Their Population and Size is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Diba Ethnic Group

When it comes to population and size the Diba people are not that much but they also carry weight in their home state which means that they are well-known in the state.

10. Their Local Delicacy

Now their local delicacy, now is where there are similarities between the different ethnic groups in Taraba state. The local delicacy of the diba people is Tuwo, Suya and more.

11. Their Religion

Now the Diba people were traditionalists but due to the introduction of Christianity and Islam, you will find the majority of them are usually Islam and Christians with only a few of them still practising their traditional religion. Though they still respect their traditional values and cultures.

12. Their Festivals is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Diba Ethnic Group

The diba people still celebrate their traditional festivals which is one that they celebrate in other to see a good harvest and so on. Though now you can find them celebrating the festivals of Christianity and Muslims.

13. Their Reachability

When it comes to their reachability, the people of Diba are now easily reached, all you have to do is pay a visit to Taraba state and you can find out more about the people of Diba Ethnic group in Nigeria.


From this, you would have gotten a little knowledge about them, and if you visit their home state you will also get to learn a lot more about the people of Diba Ethnic group. The group is quite fascinating to learn about.

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