13 Interesting Facts About the People of Karekare Ethnic Group in Nigeria

If you are interested in 13 interesting facts about the people of Karekare ethnic group in Nigeria, this is the right article for you. The Karekare people are found in the northeastern part of Nigeria, and some other parts of the world.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Karekare Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Kanuri people cluster is the Chadic. They are a large Christian ethnic tribe only in Yobe state, Nigeria. There are more Karekare people exciting facts contained in this article.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Karekare Ethnic Group in Nigeria

You can learn interesting facts about the people of the Karekare ethnic group in Nigeria as well as the state in which they reside.

1. State Of Residence In The Country

One interesting and unique fact about the Karekare people in Nigeria is found in the northeastern geopolitical region of Nigeria. They can be found in Yobe State and Bauchi State as well as Gombe State.

2. History

The Karekare tribe are considered to be a tribe to share a common origin with Northwest Hebrew and Arabic people because of the similarity in their languages.

Other than this consideration, other theory of origin seems to think they are an original tribe of the Yobe state.

3. Language is one of the Interesting Facts About the People of Karekare Ethnic Group

The Karekare people speak the Karekare language with over 1,500,000 to 1,800,000 million speakers. The language is popular as an Afro-Asiatic language which most Nigerians speak. Primarily in Nigeria, the language is popular in Yobe State, Bauchi State, and maybe Gombe State.

Nevertheless, some if not all of the Karekare people speak the Hausa language and communicate in it fluently.

4. The Ethnic Name And Its Meaning

Another name for Karekare is Karaikaria. It was from a language which has been in use in virtually every language in northeastern Nigeria. The word “Kare” means “good, things, load”. While the origin of the language still remains somewhat of a mystery, it is acceptable and recognizable in northeastern Nigeria.

5. Ethnicity

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Chadic.

People Group: Karekare.

Ethnic Code: NAB60b.

6. Local Government Area is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Karekare Ethnic Group

In Yobe state, the people reside in Fika local government area and also the Nangere local government area. The people reside in the Gamawa local government area as well as the Misau local government area of Bauchi state. In Gombe state, they reside in a small local government area in Dukku.

7. Population

Karekare people in Nigeria have a population estimate of about 1,500,000 people, men and women inclusive in the three states where they reside in Nigeria.

8. Religion

The Karekare tribe is a group of people that are mostly Muslims. While they are mostly Muslims, it is equally important to note that the percentage of Christians in Yobe State is more than any other indigenous tribe in Yobe State.

9. Occupation is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Karekare Ethnic Group

Agriculture is very vital to the Karekare people. They practice farming and animal husbandry. Major crops are yam, melons, millet, maize, and vegetables. They have poultry where they raise chickens to provide eggs and meat for them. Cattle and goat rearing provide milk and meat for them.

10. Education

The illiteracy level is very high among these people. Many of the Karekare people can’t speak English or write, they can barely afford to send their children or themselves to school.

11. Arts In Some Rural Areas

Some of the small groups in the rural area entertain themselves through dancing, singing, music, as well as storytelling. These entertainment forms bring most of the groups together in the form of a festival.

12. Traditional Ruler is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Karekare Ethnic Group

Currently in Nangere near Potiskum, in Yobe state,  the highest traditional ruler of the Karekare people is Mai Tikau, HRH Muhammadu IBN Abubakar Shuwa.

13. Evangelism

Since the Muslim people gave a very high percentage of about 94% leaving the remaining 6% as Christians, the evangelism rate is abysmal. However, there have been translations of Bible books in their own language. Also, there have been making of Jesus films in their own language; Karekare.


In conclusion, the Karekare people who are an indigenous tribe of Yobe state but found in some other parts of northeastern Nigeria like Gombe state as well as Bauchi state speak the Karekare language. They live as farmers and animal rearers.

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