13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kilda Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Learning about different ethnic groups is a good way to boost your knowledge about the cultural diversity of Nigeria. It is educative and a major eye-opener of different cultural aspects in Nigeria. This article will teach you 13 interesting facts about the people of Kilba ethnic group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kilda Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Firstly, you should note that Nigeria has a lot of ethnic groups, in numbers there are up to 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria. Also, the northeastern parts of Nigeria are flowing with a lot of different tribes that dominate in it.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kilda Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Keep reading to learn interesting facts about the people of Kilda ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state

1. State Of Residence In The Country

An intriguing fact about the Kilba people is that they reside in Adamawa state as well as in Borno state. Although, it will be very important for you to note that they are only going majorly in a particular local government in Adamawa state where they seem to bear an alternative name.

2. History

When it comes to the history as well as the origin of these people, you should note that they are an ethnic group indigenous to Nigeria, Adamawa state in particular. One striking mark in their origin is the war between them and the Fulani people during Jihad’s incessant skirmishes with the Fulani people in the 19th century.

Also, you should note that the Kilba people never emerged as a conquered tribe. The consolidation of the tribe happened after the war.

War as well as former clans plays a huge role in their history. Before now, the Kilda people were first recognized as a clan-based community living together in the mountains.

3. Language is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Kilda Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Kilba people of Nigeria speak an indigenous language known as the Nya Huba language. Most of the time they are either called Kilba or Huba people because of their language. Also, you should note that the Huba language is a language spoken in Nigeria and most native to Adamawa state.

4. Local Government Area

It is an established fact that these people are a group of people that reside in north-eastern Nigeria; Adamawa and maybe Borno state. However, another fact should be established which is their local government area fact. The Kilba or Huba people reside in Hong as well as Maiha, also Girei and Mubi local government areas in Adamawa state. While in Borno state they have been reported to be indigenes of Askira-Uba local government area.

Also, it is equally important for you to note that they are mostly dominant in the Hong local government area of Adamawa state, Nigeria.

5. Ethnicity

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Chadic.

People Group: Kilba.

Ethnic Code: NAB60b.

6. Geography Of Hong Local Government Area is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Kilda Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Kilba people are mostly found in hilly areas as well as mountains. They have a history of mountain-staying communities. Currently, where they stay in the local government area of Hong is a hill that shares borders with Mubi Hills to the east, Holma and Zuma Mountains to the south, Hawul River to the north, and Gombe Hills to the west.

7. Population

The Kilba people of Nigeria both in different local government areas in Adamawa state and Borno state of Nigeria are estimated to have a population of over 300,000 people but not up to 400,000 people.

8. Religion

The largest religion of the Kilba tribe known as the Huba tribe in Nigeria is Christianity. Other religions such as Islam religion or the traditional religion are only found in a minute number of people of the entire population.

9. Occupation is also an Interesting Facts About the People of Kilda Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Like almost every other tribe in Nigeria, the Kilba people are rich in farming as well as fishing. However, farming is regarded to be their most. An important source of income. There are others who work in government positions as well and take up skill-trained jobs as their occupation.

10. Education

The people of Kilba in Hong LGA of Adamawa state have access to the educational institutions provided in the state. This includes the tertiary institutions of the state such as;

  • Adamawa State Polytechnic.
  • Federal Polytechnic, Mubi.
  • Adamawa State University.
  • Modibbo Adama University, Yola.

These institutions are available to all ethnic groups living in the state.

11. Political System Of Kilda Tribe

Huba people or Kilda people are one of the many tribes in Nigeria and other Africa with a political system as well as structure. However, they are regarded as one of the few tribes with a strong political structure as well as a well-organized pagan kingdom second to none in Western Sudan.

Like every other tribe, there must be a hierarchy in every political structure. These are the hierarchy of the political structure of Kilda;

  • Toi: The overall ruler.
  • Yirma: A governor with the highest rank.
  • Prime Minister and Chief Adviser.
  • Assistant Prime Minister.
  • Defense Minister and War Commander.
  • Minister in Charge of Royal stable.
  • Council Representatives.
  • Head of Royal Ward.

The following above is the cabinet structure of the tribe.

12. Traditional Ruler And Notable People is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Kilda Ethnic Group in Nigeria

These are the current cabinet members of the tribe;

  • Sabiya – Prime minister and chief adviser to Toi.
  • Bira’ol – Assistant prime minister.
  • Midala – Defence minister and war commander.
  • Dzarma – Minister in charge of royal stables.
  • Batari – Head of royal ward.
  • Kadagimi – Courtier.
  • Yaduma – Council representative of advisers.

You should note that the Toi is the overall ruler as well as the Yirma who is in charge of the administration of the territory. Also, note that the Yirma answers the Toi.

13. Communities In Kilda

These are the names of Kilda communities currently present in Hong local government area;

  • Ndlang
  • Gaya-Jaba.
  • Gaya-Maki.
  • Gaya-Fa’a.
  • Za
  • Bangshika
  • Zivi
  • Kulinyi
  • Pella
  • Gweja
  • Miljili
  • Gaya-Skalmi.
  • Gaya-Gou.
  • Kwapor
  • Kinking
  • Motaku
  • Hyama


In conclusion, you have learnt so many interesting facts about the Kilba people also known as the Huba people. These facts you just read are not just interesting but they are educative as well as eye-opening to one of the many ethnic groups in Nigeria.

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