13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kwami (Kwom) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

In this article, you will get to see lots of interesting facts about the people of the Kwami ethnic group. Here, you will get to learn about their Borders, language, location and so much more. We hope you enjoy reading this and check out more. So, let’s get started with these great facts.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kwami Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Kwami (Kwom) Ethnic Group

All of the following includes the facts about the Great People of Kwami. And, they are as follows:

1. Location

Kwami refers to a local government area in the northwestern region of Nigeria, specifically in Gombe state. Also, the local government area has its headquarters in the town of Mallam Sidi.

2. Shared Borders

This local government area doesn’t share borders with any other state. However, within the state, it shares borders with 3 local government areas which are: Dadin Kowa, Funakaye, and Gombe.

3. Nearby Spectacle is Among the Interesting Facts about Kwami the People of Kwami (Kwom) Ethnic Group

Around the Kwami local government, you can see a lot of beautiful things that will certainly leave you in awe. Here, we will list some of these things: the Emir of Gombe palace, the Mbormi battleground, and Kilang Hill.

4. Crops Grown

The Kwami local government area, like most of Gombe state has made farming a strong part of its economic development. So, these are some of the crops that they produce: cotton, maize, groundnut, millet, and guinea corn.

5. Dominant Ethnic Groups

In the Kwami local government area, they have quite a few ethnic groups that have peacefully coexisted. Among these, the dominant Ethnic Group in terms of population is the Fulani.

6. Use of Water: Facts that are Interesting about Kwami the People of Kwami (Kwom) Ethnic Group

Water is a very important resource for so many reasons in this group and they have quite a lot of it. Moreover, they use it to water their crops, cook food, wash up, and for their fishing expeditions.

7. Population

Based on the most recent Nigerian population census, which took place in 2006. Kwami local government has an approximate population of 195,298 individuals.

8. Major Seasons/Average Temperature

In the Kwami local government area, they experience an average temperature of 32°c. Furthermore, they have two major Seasons, rainy season and dry season.

9. Land Area Kwami is on the List of Interesting Facts About the People of Kwami (Kwom) Ethnic Group

They have an estimated land area of 1,787km² and an altitude of 481m. Also, the postal code of this area is 760.

10. Dominant Religion

The Kwami local government area has multiple ethnic groups and they all have their ethnic religions and mainly followed religion. However, on average Islam Is the most dominant religion in this ethnic group and has quite a lot of followers.

11. Food

The main source of the food eaten by those in the Kwami local government area is a result of their fishing expeditions or their farming, it could also be gotten from trade with people nearby. So, their meals are made using: corn, rice, yam, and vegetables.

12. Natural Resources: Interesting Facts about the Kwami Ethnic Group

Their soil is certainly a natural blessing, with all the crops they can farm on it. However, they also have an abundance of mineral resources around.

13. Dominant Occupations

In the past, the main occupations of individuals in the Kwami local government were fishing and farming. Although, these days people have diversified into other occupations such as teaching and engineering.


In conclusion, we hope that this article has satisfied your thirst for knowledge about the Kwami LGA. In addition, we have lots more articles like these on other tribes that you should certainly check out.

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