13 Interesting Facts About the People of Limono Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Before now, not much has been known about the Limono tribe in Nigeria. It is very good to announce that this article can provide you with 13 interesting facts about the people of the Limono ethnic group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Limono Ethnic Group

These facts include a few factors about their state of residence and how staying there has helped in shaping as well as moulding their ethnicity into what it is today.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Limono Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following contains interesting facts about the people of Limono ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state.

1. State Of Residence In The Country

An ethnic group would be incomplete if their state of residence is not known. It is one of the major factors that groups them to their ethnicity. Where they base matters and also their region in the country is of importance. The people reside in Plateau State as well as Bauchi State.

2. Local Government Area In Bauchi State

The precise location of the Limono people is not known, however, these are the local government area found in Bauchi state;

  • Bauchi
  • Tafawa Balewa.
  • Dass
  • Toro
  • Bogoro
  • Ningi
  • Warji
  • Ganjuwa
  • Kirfi
  • Alkaleri
  • Darazo
  • Misau
  • Giade
  • Shira
  • Jamaare
  • Katagum
  • Itas/Gadau.
  • Zaki
  • Gamawa
  • Damban

You should note that the Limono tribe do not have a particular LGA so they are found scattered in some of these LGAs.

3. Local Government Area in Plateau State is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Limono Ethnic Group

These are the 17 LGAs carved in Plateau state.

  • Barkini Ladi.
  • Bassa
  • Bokkos
  • Jos East.
  • Jos South.
  • Jos North.
  • Kanam
  • Kanke
  • Langtang North.
  • Langtang South.
  • Mangu
  • Mikang
  • Pankshin
  • Qua’an Pan.
  • Shendam
  • Wase

These LGAs were created in order, in 1976 14 were first created followed by the rest three which were carved out of the pre-existing large ones in 1989, 1991, and 1996.

4. Language

Limono is the major and primary language spoken by the Limono people.

5. Population

Limono tribe have a very few populations both in Plateau state as well as Bauchi state.

6. Ethnicity is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Limono Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Benue Cluster.

People Group: Limono.

7. Marriage

A man is expected to pay a dowry before he can have his bride. Ceremonies are also thrown to complete the marriage ceremony.

8. Occupation

The Limono tribe are mostly farmers that grow crops like maize, yam, and some vegetables like tomatoes, as well as pumpkin. Also, their farming is to basically provide for the family and not to practice commercial farming.

9. Religion is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Limono Ethnic Group

The population of Limono people shares the Islamic religion as well as the Christian religion in equal percentages. They are also a few ethno-religious people.

10. Education

The Limono people enjoy plenty of benefits of being indigenous to Bauchi as well as Plateau state. One of these awesome benefits is education. They are given the right to partake and enrol in universities birthed by the states. If they are willing to take their education further they have access to apply for schools in the states.

These schools are Abubakar Tafawa University, Bauchi State University, and also Federal Polytechnic in Bauchi. There are other schools in Plateau state like the University of Jos, Plateau State University, as well as the College of Education in Gindiri.

11. Bauchi Languages

Languages in Bauchi states are divided into North and South Bauchi languages. Limono is part of the language but it is not a major language of the Bauchi state. Major languages are the Fulfulde and Hausa.

12. Population Of Bauchi State is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Limono Ethnic Group

Bauchi state is one of the states in Nigeria rich in various ethnic groups including the Limono tribe. In terms of land and area, it is the fifth largest and in terms of population it is the 7th most populous.

13. Tribes In Plateau State

There are over 40 ethnic groups in Plateau states. They are;

  • Berom
  • Amo
  • Jarawa
  • Ngas
  • Tiv
  • Jukun
  • Umono
  • Irigwe
  • Youm
  • Mushere
  • Fier
  • Aten

Note that there are more ethnic groups in Plateau State.


Finally, the people of Limono are no longer unreached. Insight into their state of residence which is Bauchi state as well as Plateau state, has given more facts about how these people live.

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