13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Mafa ethnic group which is also called the Mofa people are one of the smallest groups in Nigeria. They are a minority people group but rich in culture. If you wish to learn more facts about this tribe, then this post will give you 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Firstly, to learn about a particular culture in Nigeria means to learn other additional facts about Nigeria. Through one ethnic group such as the Mafa tribe, you are getting knowledge of local government areas, states in Nigeria, and sometimes the history of an ethnic group takes you on a learning journey of some other African countries.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following contains interesting facts about the people of Mafa ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state.

1. State Of Residence In The Country

State of residence of the Mafa people also known as Mofa people is found in the northeastern region of Nigeria. The northeastern part of Nigeria which is usually dominated by many Nigerian tribes including the Mofa tribe has a very nice geography. Currently, the Mafa people are found in Adamawa state as well as Borno state, Nigeria.

2. Location In Other Countries

The Mafa ethnic group is localized not only in Nigeria but in some countries like Cameroon and is also found scattered in countries like Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso as well as Sierra Leone. In these countries, they are mostly found in the northern region and they are found in mountain areas as well as hilly lands.

The centre of the Northern Mandara is mainly populated by the Mafa people.

3. History is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group

The history of the Mafa people in Nigeria will not discuss their origin as a tribe but their origin as a tribe in Nigeria. This talks about their very first settlement after migrating all the way from other countries.

It is important to note that, the Mafa people are not an ordinary tribe of Nigeria, though they reside in Nigeria. Their history of origin traces down all the way to Cameroon, northern Cameroon to be precise. After spending a while in Cameroon, some of the people of the tribe started migrating to other countries like Mali, Chad, Sudan, and Burkina Faso where they are found in just small numbers.

Now, they are some of them reside in some settlements in northeastern Nigeria where they are currently thriving to make a huge success of themselves.

4. Language

Mafa is a Chadic family language. The language gains cognizance by the Mafa people in Nigeria as well as other places outside Nigeria. Also, there is a division of the Mafa language into three dialects. They are mafa-west, mafa-east as well as mafa-centre.

The language is popular in other countries (mostly Cameroon) but not so popular in Nigeria.

5. Population

In Cameroon alone, these people have a population estimate of 325,000. The global record of the people is at an estimate of 330,800.  However, the population of the Mafa people in Nigeria is about 11,000. In comparison to the Cameroon population, the number of Mafa people in Nigeria is small.

In the Nigeria population of the Mafa people, records show a certain village to have about 1,000 indigenes.

6. Ethnicity is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Chadic.

People Group: Mafa, Mofa.

Ethnic Code: NAB60b.

7. Childbirth Tradition

The Mafa people of Nigeria are very peculiar in their culture. When it comes to childbirth, the head of the family which is the father has a very specific role to play to ensure that the baby will live a successful and long life.

The Mafa people believe that the placenta is a twin of the baby. As such, they believe that others can use it for evil intentions like ending the baby’s life or making his life meaningless. It is therefore the job of the father to collect the placenta and bury it in secret.

Also, note that the mother also has a specific role in childbirth. She must not lie down during childbirth. However, she is to sit while giving birth.

8. Burial Tradition

If a member of a village or clan dies, the people of the village/clan pay the family a visit. The people place the dead body on a wooden bed and they grieve. Also, everyone who comes to grieve is to eat in the room where the dead body lies.

9. Religion is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group

Islamic religion, Christian religion, as well as African traditional religion, are all practiced in the tribe. However, the most popular religion which carries the majority of the population is Islam with half and a quarter of the total population.

10. Agriculture

They are farmers. The farmers have good techniques in soil management as well as the use of soil fertility management procedures. Their traditional agriculture method of farming is almost close to perfection when compared with most tribes in Nigeria. Their major farm produce includes red sorghum and millet.

11. Livestock Breeding

Raising cattle and farming animals is another occupation that they do well for their survival. It is usually favourable for them during the dry season. Chickens fetch them good money as well as meat and eggs for food. Also, goats as well as cattle fetch them money.

12. Food is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Mafa Ethnic Group

Zoum is not a food but it is very popular in this tribe. Zoum is an acrid-tasting beer made from the fermentation of milk.

13. Local Government Area

Mafa people of Borno state in Nigeria reside in Gwoza local government area. They live mostly in mountainous areas as well as the hilly land. Also, they prefer to live in huts. They build their huts in a round geometry style with low entrances. They believe building their houses in this form will help them chase out evil spirits.


These facts will help you to know more as well as understand the Mafa ethnic group in Nigeria. it is also important that you read books and journals to expand your knowledge of the people.

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