13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mobber Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Mobber ethnic group in Nigeria have an interesting culture and there are some facts about these people you will find interesting. These people have been indigenous to Nigeria since before the colonial era. They have their own unique language, culture and traditions. They are not as well known as some other ethnic groups found in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mobber Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mobber Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Mobber Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Ethnicity and Location

The Mobber people have lived in Nigeria for generations and they are primarily found in the northern region of Nigeria, particularly in Borno State. Also, the state can be found in the northern-east geopolitical zone of Nigeria.

2. Language

The Mobber people speak the Mobber language, which belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family. Also, this language is taught orally to the children in the ethnic group.

3. Their Other Spoken Languages is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mobber Ethnic Group

In addition, there are several languages spoken in the home state of the Mobber people and due to influence from various other ethnic groups, they have adapted to speaking other languages such as Hausa.

4. Cultural Identity

The Mobber people have a distinct cultural identity. Also, their cultural identity in some areas is similar to that of nearby ethnic groups but they also have their own unique traditions, customs, and folklore that have been passed down for generations.

5. Agriculture

To the Mobber people agriculture is very important even till this modern age you will still find some of them as farmers. Additionally, agriculture is their source of income and source of nutrition, they are known to plant crops like maize, sorghum and more.

6. Their Traditional Attire is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mobber Ethnic Group

In addition, the traditional attire of the Mobber people reflects their cultural heritage. Also, men typically wear flowing gowns with turbans while women wear colourful wrappers, head ties and blouses to showcase their ethnicity and culture.

7. Festivals and Celebrations

The people of the Mobber ethnic group celebrate various festivals throughout the year. Also, those that are Christians celebrate the celebrations such as Christmas and Easter while those that are Muslim celebrate Ramadan and more.

8. Music and Dance

Music and dance especially traditional music and dance are usually performed in celebrations such as festivals and marriage or when a member of the community is receiving a title. Additionally, they have their own unique music and dance.

9. Their Religion is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mobber Ethnic Group

In addition, the Mobber people were once traditionalists but now they are mostly Christians and Muslims. With the majority of them favouring the Islamic religion. They also practice Islamic practices.

10. Family Structure

The family Structure of the Mobber people has the make as the head of the family, they believe in having a large family though in moderns times it is not as practised. Also, they are also people that marry more than one wife.

11. Traditional Medicine

Additionally, the Mobber people have a rich tradition of using herbal medicine for healing purposes. Also, herbal medicine is something that has been among the Mobber people for generations with some of them even preferring it to modern medicine.

12. Their Art and Craftsmanship is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Mobber Ethnic Group

The Mobber people are skilled artisans and they are also known for their craftsmanship in things like pottery, weaving, and basket making. Also, they create intricate designs and patterns in clothes that show their culture.

13. Education

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on education among the Mobber people. They have made tremendous efforts to improve access to quality education, with schools established in Mobber communities.


With this, you now know a little more about this ethnic group. This ethnic group is not well known in Nigeria, and even within their home state, they are not well known. To know more about them it is better to visit them in their home state.

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