13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mumuye Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Here, we have selected loads of interesting facts about the great people of the Mumuye ethnic group. You can learn about their location, occupation, festivals and so much more from just reading this. So, let’s get to know the interesting facts about the Mumuye ethnic group.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Mumuye Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Mumuye Ethnic Group

1. Location

The people of the Mumuye ethnic group are from Nigeria, mainly in Taraba and Adamawa states. Moreover, they are the largest ethnic in Taraba state, note that Taraba and Adamawa state are in the northeastern region of Nigeria.

2. Population

The information under this category is based on the last Nigerian census which took place in the year 2006. Based on that, there are 400,000 Mumuye people in Nigeria.

3. Rulership is One of the Interesting Facts about Mumuye Ethnic Group

The Mumuye people don’t have a specific king. Furthermore, they run a somewhat family-based system in which, the elder of the group acts as the group leader.

4. Occupation

Other than farming, the Mumuye people are known for their skills as blacksmiths and weavers. Also, their sculptures are mainly made by blacksmiths.

5. Ceremonies and Scarification

Specifically, we will talk about the wedding ceremonies. Before marriage, the women go through scarification just like the statues have scars. In addition, they get scarred as religious initiation and have scars that are there to show their difference from other groups.

6. Religion is on the List of Facts that are Interesting about the Mumuye Ethnic Group

The Mumuye people are mainly involved in three religions which are: Islam, Christianity, and their ethnic religion.

7. Language

Like many ethnic groups in Nigeria, the language spoken by the Mumuye people is the same as their name “Mumuye”. However, people now mainly use  English communication.

8. Use of Water

The people of the Mumuye ethnic group make use of water for basic tasks such as washing, preparation of meals, family, and somewhat similar tasks.

9. Festivals are Among the Interesting Facts about the People of the Mumuye Ethnic Group

The most important festival for them is the new yam festival which they celebrate once every year. In this ceremony, two men wearing costumes dance opposite each other.

10. Ethnic Religion

The Mumuye believe that non-living objects have spirits. They believe in a variety of gods and spirits, with the sun (La) as one god and La’a as the supreme being. And, the ones that do people in life after death say that evil people don’t get it but kind people are reborn after two years.

11. Crop’s Farmed

The people of the Mumuye ethnic group are farmers, the women spread the seeds and the men cultivate the crops. So, the crops farmed include millet, beans, yam, squash, and peanuts.

12. Masks: Facts that are Interesting about the People of the Mumuye Ethnic Group

People of the Mumuye ethnic group are very good at making masks. These masks serve mainly two purposes presently. They use the first mask for healing practices but was originally used for war. While they make use of the other masks for initiation into the religious society.

13. Culture/Relationship

Mumuye people have divided themselves into groups called Dola which are made up of a Group of family members. Due to this, the culture in each group is different in one way or another. However, they share some core similarities.


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