13 Interesting Facts About the People of Nupe Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This is another opportunity to pick up some interesting facts about the great people of the Nupe ethnic group and to learn something about their culture. However, you will certainly enjoy these amazing facts which will enable great facts about these people and their way of life.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Nupe Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Nupe Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are some of the great facts you need to know about the Nupe People in Nigeria, which are as follow:

1. Location

The Nupe people are mainly found in the North Central region of Nigeria and are spread across three states which are; Kogi State, FCT, Kwara, and Niger State. Moreover, they are the dominant group in Kwara state.

2. Language

The people of the Nupe ethnic group speak the Nupe language. Although, different dialects are available the dialects are similar.

3. Population is One of the Interesting Facts about the People of the Nupe Ethnic group

For population, the information given here is based on the Nigerian census which took place in the year 2006. Therefore, this information has changed a bit due to things like death. From the census, we have 3.5 million Nupe people.

4. Relationship With Other Ethnic Groups

The people of this ethnic group have so far existed peacefully with other Ethnic Groups around them, even indulging in trade and exchange of resources.

5. Religion

Like many groups in Nigeria, the Nupe people practice three main religions, Christianity, Islam, and their ethnic religion. And, with them, Islam is the dominant religion.

6. Name: Facts that are Interesting about the People of the Nupe Ethnic group

Other than the name Nupe which many people use to refer to this ethnic group, they have two other titles given to them by neighboring groups. However, the Yoruba refer to them as Tapa while the Hausa refer to them as Nupawa.

7. Related Ethnic Groups

The ethnic groups under this category have relations in terms of language, proximity, or food. So, we then have: Gbagyi, Igala, Yoruba, Ebira, Kambari, Kamuku, Bariba, Dukawa

8. Tribal Marks

Tribal Marks on the face of Nupe people is a very common site. And, they are used to show the wealth of an individual, status, and protection.

9. Use of Water is Also Among the Interesting Facts about the Great People of the Nupe Ethnic group

Water is an important resource for them as without it, they wouldn’t be able to sustain their occupations such as fishing and farming. And, water serves regular uses such as washing.

10. Art

When it comes to art, they use wood as a means to make this and carving as the method of creation. For instance, they carved tables, doors, and even the tools they used for hunting.

11. Origin

Based on tales, the Nupe say they come from Tsoede, an individual who fled the court of Idah and established some towns around the Niger River.

12. Ethnic Religion: Facts about the Nupe Ethic Group People that are Interesting to Know

Unfortunately, not much can be said about their ethnic religion. This is because not much is known about it.

13. Occupation

Nupe people traditionally involve themselves in three main occupations which are farming, trading, and fishing. Examples of some of their crops are yam, cassava, millet, and rice.


Lastly, the Nupe ethnic group is one of over 200 ethnic groups that are in Nigeria. So, if you are interested in learning more facts, about ethnic groups, feel free to read our other articles.

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