13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Together, we shall explore 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group in Nigeria. These facts include their history, culture as well as way of life. There are so many facts that you can learn about the Pero people and the state they reside in.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group

The Pero is an ethnic group in Nigeria with a beautiful and diverse culture. And although
they share some similarities with their neighbours, they also have their unique customs
and traditions.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts about the people of the Pero ethnic group in Nigeria and also about the state they inhabit;

1. Origin

The Pero people are an ethnic group in Nigeria, believed to have migrated to the Gombe region from the Adamawa region in the 17th century. However, in recent years, many of them have been forced to leave due to conflict in the region. They have moved to other parts of the state, as well as to neighbouring states like Taraba.

2. Resident State

They are concentrated in Shongom LGA, Gombe state, in the northeast of the country. However, their traditional homeland is the Gombe River Valley.

3. Occupation: Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group 

The Pero people are farming people, and their main crops are millet, sorghum, maize, as well as cassava. They also raise livestock, such as cattle, goats, and also sheep.

4. Rulership

The Talban Pero is the highest-ranking traditional ruler of the Pero people, and he is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day affairs of the Pero community. The Pero people are also subject to the authority of the Mai of Kaltungo, a Fulani ruler, who has authority over all of the ethnic groups that live in the Kaltungo Emirate, including the Pero people.

5. Language

The Pero language is a West Chadic language of the Afroasiatic family. It is a tonal language, which means that the pitch of the voice changes the meaning of words.

6. Traditional Dress and Music is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group 

Their traditional dress is made of cotton, and their traditional music is played on a variety of instruments, including the flute, the harp, and also the drum.

7. Religion

The Pero people are predominantly Christian, with a small minority who practice Islam. There are also a small number of Idol worshippers among them.

8. Social Organisation

The basic unit of Pero social organization is the extended family, which is made up of a man, his wife or wives, their children, as well as their unmarried siblings. The society is also divided into clans and age sets.

9. Traditional Food is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group 

The Pero people have a rich and varied cuisine, influenced by their agricultural traditions and their location in the Gombe River Valley. Some of the most popular traditional Pero foods include Tuwo shinkafa, Kilishi, Fufu, Nyama da taushe, as well as Gwari.

10. Lineage

The Pero people are a patrilineal society, which means that descent is traceable through the father’s line.

11. Oral Tradition

The Pero people have a rich oral tradition, which is a way of preserving their history, culture, and values. Some of the most important oral traditions of the Pero people include folktales, songs, and also dance.

12. Marriage Customs; Interesting Facts About the People of Pero Ethnic Group 

Traditionally, parents of the bride and groom arrange marriages for their children. In recent years, they are choosing to marry for love. However, even in these cases, the parents of the bride and groom often play a role in arranging the marriage.

13. Architecture

The building of houses in the Pero tribe is with mud-brick. Also, the roofs are thatched. The houses are often round or oval in shape, and the houses are around a central courtyard.


These interesting facts about the Pero people, though showing their uniqueness, are
nothing compared to experiencing them first-hand. You could try visiting and see for
yourself how fascinating they truly are.

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