13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Want to learn interesting facts about the Pire People? In this post, 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group in Nigeria have been identified. They are an ethnic minority in Nigeria and they have cultures as well as beliefs that are unique to them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group

The Pire Ethnic group (The Tsobo people) are an ethnic group in Nigeria, primarily found in
Adamawa State. Pire, also called “Fire” in colonial records, is an ethnic group with different and distinct subgroups.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts about the people of Pire ethnic group in Nigeria and also about the state they inhabit;

1. Origin

The people of the Pire ethnic group are thought to have migrated to their current
homeland from the Chad region in the 17th century.

2. Subdivisions

They are divided into the Bərbou, the Swaabou, and the Gusobu subgroups,
and they all speak the Tso (nyi tsó) language. The people of Luuzo, a settlement, are a subsection of the Gusobu subgroup.

3. Language is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group

They speak the Tso language, which is a member of the Chadic language family.
Over the years, there have been variations in the language making conversation between
people of different subgroups a little difficult.

4. Locality

The people of Pire are concentrated in Mubi, Gombi, and Hong Local Government
Areas. They also live in small numbers in the neighbouring states of Borno, Taraba, and Yobe.

5. Traditional homeland

Their traditional homeland is the Mubi Hills, a mountainous region
with a cool, dry climate.

6. Occupation is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group

The Pire people are largely agricultural. They grow millet, sorghum, maize, and
beans. They also raise livestock, such as cattle, goats, and sheep.

7. Religion

They have a strong belief in ancestor worship. So, most of them, if not all of them,
are traditional worshippers.

8. Oral tradition 

The people of Pire have a strong oral tradition. They pass down their history,
culture, and traditions through stories and songs. They have a custom whereby the name of a dead ought not to be called in the presence of his
relatives or in his locality.

9. Skill set is also an Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group

The Pire people are known for their skills in beadwork, metalworking, and pottery.

10. Festivities

They celebrate several festivals throughout the year, including the New Year
festival and the harvest festival.

11. Sport

They are also infamous for their wrestling. Wrestling is a popular sport among the Pire
people, and it is often a means to settle disputes.

12. Standard of living; Interesting Facts About the People of Pire Ethnic Group

Despite the low standard of living, In recent years, there have been some
economic development which has given a little boost to the standard of living.

13. Infrastructure

There’s a notable improvement in infrastructure in this region. The Nigerian
government has built a number of roads, making transportation of goods a lot easier.
Also, there have been some investments in agriculture, and this has helped to improve yields.


Reading and learning interesting facts about the People of the Pire ethnic group is nothing
compared to experiencing the rich culture and history of the Pire people first-hand. Also, from the above, you can further your research on the people.

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