13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group in Nigeria

If you know little about the Pyapun people group in Nigeria, here is an opportunity to learn so many things about them. There are 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group in Nigeria that are in this article.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group

The people are part of the northcentral tribe in Nigeria. They are not a popular people group and also they are not a large ethnic group in terms of size. However, they are distinct from other ethnic groups in the north-central region.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts about the people Pyapun ethnic group in Nigeria and also their resident state.

1. State of Residence in the Country

The Pyapun people of Nigeria can be located in the northern zone of Nigeria. They form the tribes and ethnic groups of the north-central region of Nigeria and they live in Plateau State.

2. Local Government Area

The current local government of the people is Mikang where about 93% of the population lives and also the Shendam local government with the remaining 7% of the population.

3. Population; Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group

Pyapun people in Plateau state have a numbering of more than 39,000 people in the area they occupy.

4. Language

Piapung also known as Pyapun is their primary language. It is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in more than 10 villages in Plateau state.

5. Clans of Owan

Pyapun is a tribe with so many villages under it. The people are known to be scattered among thirty-six villages. These villages make up the clans in the ethnic group.

6. Ethnicity is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Chadic.

People Group: Payung.

Ethnic Code: NAB60b.

7. Festivals

They celebrate festivals annually. Their major festival is the del festival which is known as Piapung Day. A lot of entertainment happens on that day including masquerade dancing but the most striking activity is the men going hunting the morning of the festival for proper preparation.

8. Chiefdom

The system of government and its structure in this tribe is very simple and straightforward. There are streams of elders representing the affairs of many noble families of the people. They come together to select a chief who rules them all. The chief title is Long Mapai.

9. Geography is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group

They are surrounded by more rivers around them. The rivers serve as a source of water for them in many different areas. However, they encounter a major problem during the rainy season as it always makes it difficult for them to travel out.

10. History

They are migrants. They have been known to be in association with other groups such as the Tehl group, Tal group, Chip (Miship) group, Koenoem group, and the Jukun group, and now they are known generally as the Piapung people group or the Pyapun people group.

11. Local Cuisine

The traditional food of the Pyapun people is the Gwai name. They display this food a lot during their festival periods and also ensure to invite neighbouring communities. This is also a technique they use in raising funds.

12. Occupation; Interesting Facts About the People of Pyapun Ethnic Group

They do not practice farming for commercial purposes. They are subsistence farmers and they grow mostly millet, guinea corn, corn, as well as maize. Hunting is also part of their lifestyle in everyday practice and a fun entertainment during their festival. Sometimes they go fishing when the weather is favourable and the rivers are favourable as well.

13. Religion

The largest religion is ethno-religion followed by Christianity. The Christians there cover just a small fraction of the population (25%) and there is little evangelism progress.


Finally, it is very important for you to note that the Pyapun people group are bound together by their culture which they cherish so much. It is why a lot of them still believe in their ethnicity and prefer to worship their origin and history.

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