13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rishuwa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

There are a lot of things that you do not about the Rishuwa people of Nigeria. One key fact is that they are one of the many ethnic groups that make up the diversity in culture of the Nigerian nation. This article contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Rishuwa Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rishuwa Ethnic Group

You should note that there are different regions in Nigeria and these regions are all home to different as well as distinctive ethnic groups. There are northeastern, northwestern, southern, south-south, southeast, south-central, eastern, and also western regions. The Rishuwa people occupy the northwestern region of Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rishuwa Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts to know about the people of Rishuwa ethnic group in Nigeria as well as their resident state.

1. State of Residence in the Country

Rishuwa people of the northwestern region tribe of Nigeria reside in Kaduna state. Kaduna state has its capital name bearing the same name as the state; Kaduna. The state was created in 1967.

2. Local Government Area

They are not only found in one local government which is unlike other ethnic groups in Nigeria. They reside in Kajuru local government area.

3. Population is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Rishuwa Ethnic Group

Rishuwa people are a small cultural tribe with a population estimate of just 2000 people in the Kajuru local government area in Kaduna state.

4. Language

Kizamani is an unpopular language in Kajuru local government area of Kaduna state. It is native to the people of Rishuwa with just 2000 speakers. Sometimes they refer to their language as the Shuwa-Zamani language. The Shuwa-Zamani is an endangered language because the people prefer to speak Yoruba or English as well as Hausa in recent times.

5. Religion

There are more Islamic religious people with about 80 per cent of the population. The next big religion is Christianity.

6. Ethnicity is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Rishuwa Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Benue.

People Group: Kuzamani, Rishunu.

Ethnic Code: NAB56b.

7. History

Since their arrival in the Kajuru local government area after migration from different parts of Nigeria, searching for a suitable place for settlement has not been easy. There have been attacks from neighbouring tribes surrounding them.

8. Neighbouring Tribes

The most dominant tribe in Kaduna is the Fulani next to the Hausa tribe. Other tribes include; Adara, Amo, Atuku, Akurmi, Atyap, Gwandara, Bajju, Dingi, Fantswam, Gwong, Aruruma, Ninkyop, Oegworok, Ribang, Ningeshe, Marghi, Ribang, Rumayya, and more.

9. Lifestyle; Interesting Facts About the People of the Rishuwa Ethnic Group

The Rishuwa people adopt their lifestyle from their nearest neighbouring tribes. First of all, their language which is currently facing extinction is a result of them abandoning the language to speak the language of another tribe. Outside the language, other factors are at play such as their living like the Fulani people surrounding them live.

10. Occupation

Their agro products are peanuts, kola nuts, as well as palm oil as their cash crop. While rice, millet, melons, yams, and so much more food crops. Some of them do livestock rearing and poultry where they rear chickens for the provision of eggs for the people.

11. Taboos

The Rishunu people have the majority of the population as Muslims hence there are some restrictions fully for all participants. Some of which are not drinking alcohol, eating pork, gambling, standing, slandering, or making idols.

12. Holidays or Rishunu is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Rishuwa Ethnic Group

There are two main holidays for the Sunni Muslims. The Rishunu people belong to the Sunni, a branch of Islam. Generally, all Sunni Muslims come together to celebrate the two main Sunni holidays which are Eid and also Eid al Adha.

13.  Geography  

Kaduna state which is part of northwestern Nigeria has its capital as Kaduna city. It is the eighth largest city in Nigeria as a whole. Kaduna is marked by high rainfall with hot, humid and cloudy.


The Rishuwa people are sometimes called the Kuzamani as well as the Shuwa-Zamani people which is the name of their language. In conclusion, this article has been able to establish a few facts about the people of Rishuwa.

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