13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Today’s article will give you 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group in Nigeria. The Rukuba (also known as Ungwan Rukuba) ethnic group of Nigeria is a significant minority that is concentrated in the Plateau State region of Jos North Local Government Area.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group

These people are a powerful, yet little-known minority, and they have a lot of fascinating
characteristics that are unknown to many.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group in Nigeria

You can learn educational as well as interesting facts about the people of Rukuba ethnic group in Nigeria from the following;

1. Origin

The people of the Rukuba ethnic group are believed to have relocated to their current homeland from Ugba, a town 64 kilometres to the north.

2. Language

The Ce language, also known as Kuce, is spoken by the Rukuba people of Plateau State in Nigeria. It is a member of the Plateau A subgroup of Niger-Congo languages. Outside of the Rukuba district, the Ce language is not commonly spoken.

This language is regarded as a minority language because it is not closely linked to any of the other languages spoken in the region.

3. Locality; Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group

In central Nigeria, on the High Plateau, the Rukuba people reside about 30 kilometres west of Jos, the state capital of Plateau State.

4. Population

They have a population of about 12,000 people. Few Western-educated civil officials reside in Jos township, with the majority of the Rukuba being farmers.

5. Religious beliefs

The Rukuba people have only a faction (about 4 to 5 per cent) of the population as Christians, though the majority of the politically engaged and “modernist” group falls in this section.

There is a very tiny faction of people that believe in the Islamic religion here. Additionally, they have a belief in a variety of minor deities, such as water spirits, nature spirits, and also spirits of their ancestors.

6. Myths are Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group

The Rukuba people believe that people of influence–Chiefs, clan chiefs, blacksmiths, mediums, as well as witches have multiple lives. According to them, before these “influential” spirits return to a pregnant woman’s womb, their souls remain in a shooting star or another location. For the not-so-influential people, their souls simply vanish from them.

7. Social Organization

Each village of the Rukuba community has patrilineal clans that are responsible for tasks at the village level. One clan provides the chief, while another is in charge of the organisation of significant communal or intertribal hunts, and so much more.

8. Workforce division

Both men and women labour in agriculture, but the men do the bulk of the work. They grow the same plants, however, women are more likely to focus on groundnuts, sweet potatoes, millet, as well as most pulses.

Women make all meals with the exception of ritual ones. Women make all the baskets, while men do all the husbandry, hunting, planting, and also leatherworking.

9. Taboos are Another Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group

The Rukuba people have a number of traditional taboos, including not eating certain animals, such as monkeys and snakes.

10. Socialisation

They have several customary initiation rituals that serve to symbolise the passage from childhood to maturity, especially for boys. Typically, Icugo is the first stage, Izaru is the next, and Aso is the final stage.

The boys become ritually adults before the age of 12 thanks to these initiation rituals. Then, they receive instructions on the fundamental laws of marriage and infidelity. They have a symbolic purpose in the initiation rituals for boys, however, these rituals do not affect the girls.

11. Inheritance

Inheritance is distributed evenly to the father’s sons. The most valuable assets—land, goats, hoes, and any debts will pass to the next in line. It could be a brother or paternal cousin if there are no sons.

12. Industrial Arts: Interesting Facts About the People of Rukuba Ethnic Group

The Rukuba have a long history of ironworking, and they have competent blacksmiths. The Rukuba people are famous for their proficiency in traditional weaving. Also, their fabrics are of high value.

13. Festivities

They celebrate a number of traditional festivals throughout the year, including the Durum Festival, which marks the beginning of the farming season.


The people of the Rukuba ethnic group are fascinating, with a rich culture. Even if you didn’t know about them before, this has given you a little insight as to how they live their daily lives.

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