13 Interesting Facts About the People of Shira Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This article will give you 13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Shira Ethnic Group in Nigeria. Firstly, you should note that the Shira people forms part of the northeastern tribes of the numerous ethnic group in Nigeria. However, they are an unreached people group with little or no facts about them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Shira Ethnic Group

It is these facts about the Shira ethnic group that this guide will show you. As you read further in this article you will discover and also find a strong relationship between the Shira people and their location.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Shira Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Keep reading to learn more interesting and educative facts about the people of the Shira ethnic group in Nigeria.

1. State of Residence in the Country

The Shira people of Nigeria can be located in northeastern Nigeria where they live in Bauchi state only. They are an indigenous tribe of the Bauchi people of Nigeria.

2. Local Government Area

Shira is a local government area in Bauchi state. It is a home to the Shira people where they got the name of their tribe.

3. Population; Interesting Facts About the People of the Shira Ethnic Group 

The exact estimate of the Shira people population is still a mystery today. However, the Shira local government area has a population estimate of 234,000 people. This is as of the 2006 population census. Of this population, there live different clans of different tribes in the local government area.

4. Language

Shira is their main and primary language. However, Bauchi languages are subdivided into north Bauchi and south Bauchi languages.

5. Religion

Christianity is the largest religion of the Shira people. They believe in the gospel and also practice good faith. Other notable religions are Islam and also ethno-religion.

6. Ethnicity is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Shira Ethnic Group 

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster: Benue.

People Group: Shira.

Ethnic Code: NAB56b.

7. History

Bauchi state is one of the numerous states in Nigeria that has gone through a lot of transformations over the decades. Before its creation in 1976, it formed part of the Bauchi Plateau of the then-northern region. But in 1967 the state creation exercise was executed creating the Bauchi, Borno, and Adamawa provinces of the northeastern state.

In 1976, Bauchi state and Gombe state were birthed with 16 local government areas each. Now, Bauchi state has 20 local government areas. The history of Bauchi state does not forget to talk about the different tribes in the state including the Shira people.

8. Climate

The climate in Bauchi state affects all the regions of the state. The Bauchi climate is known for its oppressive wet season with a dry season that is partly cloudy. The wet season may be oppressive but the climate is usually got all year round.

9. Geography is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Shira Ethnic Group 

Shira local government area of Bauchi state has an area of 1,321 kilometer square and it has its headquarters in the town of Yona.

10. Relationship with other tribes

The Shira people have a good working relationship with other tribes. They are allowed to marry from other tribes and during their festivals they go out and celebrate together with other tribes.

11. Economy

Economically, they are not a rich tribe in Benue state. They are among the poor ethnic group but not the poorest. They have access to the state’s resources also but generally, they are a poor people group.

12. Occupation; Interesting Facts About the People of the Shira Ethnic Group 

Today, their major occupation is farming which goes alongside fishing. Both occupations are fueled by hunger and the need to cater for their family.

13. Festivals

The Shira people do not have a notable festival. Rather, they share festivals with other tribes. They come together to perform dance, music, drama, and different form of entertainment during their festivals.


A lot of focus was also on the state where the people reside as understanding the state also helps to understand the people. In conclusion, a few facts have been established by this guide. If you find this article useful, there are other related topics concerning Nigeria’s ethnicity you should check out.

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