13 Interesting Facts About the People of Srubu Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Srubu people are also known as the Surubu people. They are part of the northern tribes in Nigeria and they speak the Vori language. This article will help you learn about the Srubu people as it contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Srubu Ethnic Group in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Srubu Ethnic Group

Today’s post is an educational one as you will not only be learning about the Srubu people but also about the state they reside in. Keep reading to learn more Srubu people’s interesting facts.

Interesting Facts About the People of Srubu Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts to learn about the people of the Srubu ethnic group in Nigeria and also the states they reside in;

1. State of Residence in the Country

The people of Srubu also known as Surubu people and Zurubu people as well can only be found in Kaduna state in northern Nigeria. Kaduna state is the fourth largest state in the country Nigeria where it sits in the northwestern region of Nigeria.

2. Local Government Area

They occupy mainly Kauru local government area in Kaduna state. Other local government areas if Kaduna state are;

  • Birnin Gwari
  • Chikun
  • Giwa
  • Igbai
  • Ikara
  • Jaba
  • Jema’a
  • Kachia
  • Kaduna North
  • Kaduna South
  • Kargarko
  • Kajuru
  • Kaura
  • Kauru
  • Kubau
  • Kudan
  • Lere
  • Makarfi
  • Sabon Gari
  • Sanga
  • Soba
  • Zangon Kataf
  • Zarla

3. Population is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Srubu Ethnic Group

The Surubu people are not much. They have a population count of 3,600 estimations of people.

4. Language

They speak the language of Vori. Generally, the Hausa language and the Fulani language are the most dominant languages in Gombe state.

5. Religion

The largest religion in the Surubu tribe is Christianity. However, there are still some groups that worship idols and give praise to some ancestral gods.

6. Ethnicity; Interesting Facts About the People of Srubu Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People.

People Cluster Benue.

People Group: Surubu.

Ethnic Code: NAB56b.

7. History

Surubu people are one of numerous tribe in Nigeria that has gone through different migration. The biggest reason that sponsored their migration is a search for good land. They moved from the Congo region and travelled through Lake Victoria of East Africa before finally settling in Kaduna state in Nigeria. Other reasons that made them move a lot include ethnic and communal conflicts.

8. Occupation

The people of Surubu are mostly farmers. Not all of them own farmlands. Some of the people help others with lots of farmlands to cultivate their farmlands and they get to receive payments.

9. Economy is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Srubu Ethnic Group

Economically, Surubu people are poor. They are very poor but Kaduna state at large is succeeding in the economic aspect. In terms of agriculture, the state cultivates export crops such as groundnut, and cotton.

They cultivate peanuts and make extraction of peanut oils from them. In technology wise, the state is also increasing and evolving generating revenue from technology as well as from leather production.

10. Tourism Center

Kaduna state is marked with awesome places that serve as tourist attractions in the state for generating revenue. These places are Kajuru Castle, Murtala Square, Kamuku National Park, Arewa House, and Matsiriga Waterfalls. These places are available to the people of Surubu and other tribes as well.

11. Festival

The Surubu people of Kaduna state does not have any festival. However, since they are a tribe under the Kaduna state they join the other Kaduna state tribes to celebrate the annual festival which is organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Kaduna state. At these festivals, folks from different cultures come to express their culture.

This annual festival unites the people of Kaduna State regardless of their differences. In addition to the states annual festival, the other festivals in the state are Eid -al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, Afan National Festival, the Easter celebration, and Christmas celebration, Ninzo Cultural Festival, Kafachan Day, Unum-Akulu-Festival, and more.

12. Education; Interesting Facts About the People of Srubu Ethnic Group

Surubu people do not believe in the power of education so they do not invest their time and money in it. They train their boys to learn farming or learn a skill as well as trade. While the females are bring trained right from their teens to learn how to cook good meals for their husbands and children. And also how to take care of their homes.

13. Clan

The Surubu people live in isolation behind the Surubu hills. They live in areas that lack civilization with mostly bad roads. They do not have clans because all of them live in the same region and their population is not many.


In conclusion, the Surubu people of the northern state of Nigeria live in isolated hills and are very small tribe with no notable clans. There are more facts you can know about these people by learning more about their locality.

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