13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baggara Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This article gives you an insight into the Baggara people interesting facts. Baggara also spelt as Baqqārah in Arabic. The Baggaras are Muslims and they observe the major practices of Islam.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Baggara Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Baggara Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Baggara Ethnic Group have quite some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this article.

1. History

The name Baggara is derived from the Arabic word baba which means cow. The Baggara people are referred to as cattle herders. They are of Arab descendants. They are spread along the horizontal plains of West and Central Africa.

2. Current Location (States) of the Baggara People

Baggara people are currently in Borno State. These are the exact locations in Borno State.

Borno State: Dikwa, Konduga, Ngala, and Bama LGAs.

3. Geography (Region and Country) is one of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Baggara Ethnic Group

The region is Africa. Although they reside in other countries apart from Nigeria, they are from Central and West Africa. And their continent is Africa.

4. Language

The main language spoken by these people is Arabic and Chadian.

5. They are Widespread

The Baggara people are scattered from the Lake Chad region eastward to the Nile River in the countries of Sudan, Niger, Chad, Cameron, Nigeria, and the Central Africa Republic.

6. They Intermarry and this is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Baggara Ethnic Group

When they were newly settled in the east of West Africa they began intermarriage with neighbouring tribes. The mixture of these tribes gives the Baggara people darker skin and fuller lips than their original Arab tribe.

7. Population

Baggara people amount to 258,000 population in Nigeria.

8. Religion

The largest religion practised here is the Islamic religion with about 99.80% while the Christian religion is just 0.20%.

9. Evangelism is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Baggara Ethnic Group

Evangelist is very rare for these people. This is because they are more Islamic than Christians.

10. Cluster

The Baggara people belong to the Arab, Shuwa cluster.

11. Way Of Life (Occupation)

Their main or only source of livelihood is cattle herding. Men and women share distinct roles. The men are responsible for the herding of the cattle. Most of Baggara’s men are nomadic. They move the herds each year to the river lands in the south during the dry seasons, and to the grasslands in the north during the rainy season.

Most times, the cattle herders usually plant some crops like sorghum, millet, beans, and sesame in the field where the cattle are grazing. They plant and harvest before leaving that locale. This adds to their source of livelihood.

The females are responsible for milking the cows. They are the ones that milk the cows, and sell the raw or processed milk to either factories or retailers. With the money females earn from milk production, they use it for their children and household expenses.

12. They are Dependent on Animals for Their Survival and this is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Baggara Ethnic Group

Since cattle herding is what they do, they, therefore depend on these animals for a lot of things. The people depend on milk and cheese in winter. Their healing ointment is the fat and dung of animals. Clothing and houses (tents) are from animals’ skins. Ornaments and weapons are from the bones of animals. Their lives revolve around animals.

13. Their Beliefs

There is a ritual that each Baggara man performs every morning. When they wake every morning, a man is expected to sneeze to rid his nostrils of the evil spirit who slept there the night before. They do this every morning because they believe in evil spirits.


This article gives clear guidance on the interesting facts of the people of Baggara, where they originate from, their present residence, and their way of life.

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