13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This article is an educative one as it will give you 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group in Nigeria. You probably might have heard about them or this is the first time you are learning of them. Regardless, you will be learning interesting facts about this people in this post.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group

You will get to learn about their culture, belief, customs as well as traditions. Also, you will be learning about the state where the people reside in Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group in Nigeria

With the under-listed, you will learn educational as well as interesting facts about the people of Tikar ethnic group in Nigeria.

1. State of Residence

The people reside in the northeastern part of Nigeria. They are part of the many tribes that inhabit Taraba state.

2. Neighbouring Languages; Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group

Different languages surround the people of Tikar in Taraba state. There are major languages and also minor languages. Some of them are Mumuye, Fulfulde, Ichen, Machi, Bete, Acha as well as Tiv.

3. Language

The people are like every other ethnic group that has a language peculiar to them. The language of communication between the people of this ethnic group is the Tikar language.

4. Indigenous Origin is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group

The Tikar people are not indigenous to Nigeria alone. The majority of the people are residents in Cameroon where they supposedly come from.

5. Origin of the People

The Tikar people are famous for being nomadic. There are oral traditions that trace the people’s origin of the Tikar people to the Nile River valley in present-day Sudan.

6. Occupation; Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group

The major occupation of the people in Taraba state is agriculture. They produce cash crops as well as food crops. Some of the crops they produce in commercial quantity are cassava, millet, sorghum as well as yam.

There are also those among them who rear animals in large numbers such as cattle, goats and also sheep. Also, the people are famous for being great artists as well as artisans.

7. Religion

The people are of a monotheistic religion. They refer to God in their language as Nyuy. Also, the people have an extensive spiritual system of ancestral reverence. In recent times, there are now other religions like Christianity and also Islam.

8. Language Family is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group

The language of the people is the Tikar language. Classification has put the language under the Niger-Congo language family.

9. Culture

The people have a very buoyant culture that is evident in their clothing as well as designs. They have works of art in the form of masks as well as other intricate designs.

10. Education; Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group

There are tons of educational institutions available in Taraba state. They range from primary, to secondary as well as the higher institution of learning. The Tikar people have access to these educational institutions for the development of their group.

11. Festivals

Taraba state hosts lots of festivals. Some of these festivals are in courtesy of the Tarki people while others are not. The celebration of these festivals involves eating, dancing as well as singing.

12. Marriage is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Tikar Ethnic Group

The Tikar people believe in the institution of marriage. The man pays the bride price of his intended wife and society recognizes them as man and wife. Also, a celebration is usually held with the invitation of friends and family.

13. Cultural Relationship

Taraba state is home to many ethnic groups. As such, these tribes have relationships with one another. This relationship that they all have helps to promote culture as well as cultural diversity and the people of Tikar are not excluded.


These are foundational interesting facts about the Tikar ethnic group in Nigeria. With these facts, you can do more research and learn more about the people.

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