13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tur Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This piece contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tur Ethnic Group in Nigeria. If you have been wanting to learn more about the Tur tribe, then this is a great opportunity to do so. Keep reading to find out more educational facts about the people.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tur Ethnic Group

Nigeria is made up of 371 ethnic groups and about 500 languages. The Tur people form the minority ethnic groups that make up the country. You will be learning about them as well as a little about the state that they occupy in the country.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Tur Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts about the people of the Tur ethnic group in Nigeria and also the state that they occupy.

1. State of Residence

The people occupy a state in the northeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria. They reside in Adamawa state which is home to over 100 indigenous ethnic groups.

2. Neighbouring Groups

Adamawa state is home to so many ethnic groups. Some of them are Fali, Yangdang, Gude, Nzanyi, Marghi as well as Fulfulde.

3. Dominant Group; Interesting Facts About the People of Tur Ethnic Group

The dominant language tribe in Adamawa state is Fulfulde as well as Hausa. These languages are found in almost all the local government areas in Adamawa state. Also, almost every person in Adamawa state uses the Fulfulde or Hausa language for communication including the Tur people.

4. Religion

The major religion that is in practice in Adamawa state is Islam. The majority of Tur people are Muslims with a minor population of Christians as well as ethno-religious people.

5. Language Danger

The Tur people reside in a state where over 100 languages inhabit. However, due to ethnic differences and communication issues, everyone communicates in either Fulfulde or Hausa. As such, the people’s language is in danger of extinction for not being in constant usage.

6. Occupation is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Tur Ethnic Group

In recent times, there have been diverse occupational practices among the people. Howbeit, agriculture is still a very dominant practice among the people. The people involve themselves in planting and harvesting, rearing animals, small and large-scale trading as well as white-collar jobs.

7. Education

Adamawa state has lots of educational institutions that are open to all indigenous tribes. They range from primary, secondary as well as tertiary institutions. Also, in recent times, the people involve themselves in vocational skill training.

8. Marriage

Marriage is a factor that is highly considered in society. A man pays the bride price of a woman and takes her home to live as a family. Usually, a party is held to celebrate such a joyful occasion with the invitation of friends as well as family.

9. Population is Another Interesting Facts About the People of the Tur Ethnic Group

The current population of the Tur people is not known. They are however a growing population as they marry as well as give their children out in marriage.

10. Medicine

The pre-colonial Tur people produced medicine out of herbs. They brew different medicines from herbs for the purpose of treating fever as well as infertility. In recent times, however, they now have access to different healthcare centres in the state.

11. Household Arrangement

The household arrangement of the Tur people is similar to others in Nigeria. The man is the head of the family with the responsibility to provide for his family. The wife assists the husband in the way she can and takes care of the house. They also adhere to the belief of the extended family.

12. Cultural Influence; Interesting Facts About the People of Tur Ethnic Group

The tribes in Adamawa state are so much that they influence each other. The most influential ones are the Hausa and Fulfulde tribes. The Tur people copy some of their dressings, language, religion as well as beliefs. It does not mean that they do not have their own culture and beliefs, it is just that they have been influenced by the dominant tribes in the state.

13. Development

The resident state of the Tur people has been disrupted by lots of conflicts which have in turn affected the development of the people. The people are still developing in terms of areas of communication as they are still an unreached people.


There is not much on record about the Tur people. However, these facts about them, their state of residence and other tribes around them will help you to know something tangible about the people. It will also help to further your research about the Tur people.

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