13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This article contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group in Nigeria. The Ukelle people form part of the cultural diversity in Nigeria. They are a unique people with their own traditions and cultural beliefs.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group

The facts in this article also extend to their state of residence in the country. While learning about the people, it is also necessary for one to learn about the state. You can find Ukelle people interesting facts here like religion, language as well as population.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are interesting facts to learn about the people of Ukelle ethnic group in Nigeria and also the states they reside in;

1. State of Residence in the Country

The Ukelele people of Nigeria are found in three states. In Cross River state of eastern Nigeria, Benue state of north-central Nigeria, and also Ebonyi of southeast Nigeria.

2. Local Government Area

Yala local government area of Cross River state makes up about half of the population of the Ukelle people. In the other two states where they are found, their local government area has been impossible to locate since they tend to be spread in different areas in search of peace and good lands for farming.

3. Population; Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group

Ukelle is a large tribe. The precise population of them is not yet known but what is very vital is that they are a very large tribe with a significant number of people present in the Yala local government area today.

4. Language

Their main language is Kukelle which belongs to the Kukelle-Korring language family. It has numerous number of speakers spread across three regions in Nigeria.

5. Religion

The largest religion in the tribe is Christianity as well as Islamic religion. There are also a few people who still practice the religion of worshipping their ethnicity.

6. Ethnicity: Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan People

People Cluster: Benue-Congo

People Group: Ukelle

Ethnic Code: NAB60b

7. History

When it comes to their history of origin as well as settlement, there have been a lot of controversies. These controversies are based on arguments about migration. Some of them argue that they are from Benue because some few of the Ukelle people are still spread in Benue state.

Others opposed this argument saying that they migrated from Igbo country because they bear similarities with some Igbo culture.

8. Neighbouring Tribes

The Ukelle people of Yala local government area in Cross State is bounded by the Yatcha people and also the Yala people to the east. While they are bounded by the Igede people to the north in Benue state, and also to the west by the Izzi people of Ebonyi state.

9. Clans; Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group

The Ukelle tribe is divided into two major groups; North Ukelle as well as South Ukelle.

North Ukelle groups;

  • Wanihem or Wanibolor
  • Wanikade or Uzenyi
  • Wanikom or Otikili
  • Uzekwe or Okom

South Ukelle groups;

  • Uzilagar or Ijiraga
  • Uzikatom
  • Uzokom or Ujokom
  • Otiligom or Ntrigom

These subgroups are the subgroups Yala local government area in Cross River state.

10. Ukelle Constitutional Government

The Ukelle people share a link with the six wards of the Yala local government area which are;

  • Ijiraga
  • Njriigom
  • Wanokom
  • Wanikade
  • Wanihem

11. Government

Ojilla is the village assembly where the day-to-day Government authority at local levels resides. The tribe usually has a King and other lower leaders which are chiefs representing their different clans. These chiefs settle disputes between families, villages and also clans following the King’s authority.

12. Ceremonies: Interesting Facts About the People of Ukelle Ethnic Group

Major ceremonies of the Ukelle tribe are marriage ceremonies, burial ceremonies, as well as festivals which are celebrated in different ways bearing some striking similarities with each other. Family and the entire village come together to bury a deceased person.

The marriage size ceremony is usually based on the financial status of both families. The family of the man bears most of the expenses while the bride’s family ensures everything is in order. The local name of the king is Ubet while the chief’s local name is Uyini. He wields ceremonial power more than he does political power.

13. Festivals of the Ukelle people

The new Yam festival is the most prominent festival of the Ukelle people. The celebration of the festival is to mark the beginning of the harvest season.


In summary, all these facts concerning their locations; Cross River, Benue, and Ebonyi and also facts about their clans, language, religion, and other aforementioned facts summarize their culture.

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