13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uneme (Ineme) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Uneme ethnic group in Nigeria are people who have a very long history in the country. They have been around before colonial times and are still around today. There are so many interesting facts about the People of Uneme (Ineme) Ethnic Group in Nigeria and you are going to learn about some of them.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uneme Ethnic Group

They have faced several challenges over the years and have still preserved their traditions and cultures.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uneme (Ineme) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Uneme Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts will be shared with you in this post.

1. Their Home State

Due to modernization, several of the people of Uneme live in several parts of the country and even outside the country. However, you can mainly find them in the northern part of Edo State in Nigeria.

2. Their Language

Their language, which is also called Uneme, belongs to the Edoid group of languages in the Niger-Congo language family. Also, the people also speak other languages to interact with other ethnic groups in the country.

3. Cultural Heritage is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Uneme Ethnic Group

Uneme people have a rich cultural heritage, which has been passed down through generations. In addition, their traditional practices are closely tied to agriculture and hunting.

4. Their Arts and Crafts

The people of Uneme art are renowned for its intricate wood carvings and colourful beadwork, often used to depict historical events and religious beliefs. They are also skilled in pottery, weaving, and metalwork, creating various crafts used for practical and decorative purposes.

5. Festivals

The Uneme people celebrate various festivals, such as the Ekaba festival, which is an important cultural event involving dance, music, and rituals. Also, this festival is celebrated annually among the people.

6. Their Traditional Rulers are Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Uneme Ethnic Group

The people of Uneme have a traditional ruler who is known as the “Ogie. In addition, the traditional rulers play a significant role in Uneme society, serving as custodians of their cultural heritage and traditions. The ruler also plays an important role in government.

7. Traditional Beliefs

Before modernization, the Uneme people had several beliefs some of which they still keep today. They are also known to have a deep reverence for nature and believe in various spirits and deities.

8. Religion

Historically, the Uneme people practised traditional religious beliefs, but over time, many have adopted Christianity and Islam which came over due to colonization and the missionaries.

9. Their Society Structure is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Uneme Ethnic Group

The Uneme society is structured around clans, and kinship ties hold great importance in their social structure. The man is the head of his family and the extended family plays an important role, especially from the man’s side.

10. Traditional Marriage

The Uneme people have a unique traditional wedding ceremony known which involves elaborate customs and rituals. One such custom is the paying of the bride price which the man must when if he wants to marry a woman.

11. Traditional Attire

Uneme people have distinctive traditional attire, adorned with colourful patterns and beads, representing their cultural identity.

12. Their Music and Dance is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Uneme Ethnic Group

Music and dance especially music are an integral part of Uneme culture, often used during religious ceremonies and social gatherings. Their traditional music has evolved over time and can be used in various settings.

13. Social Cohesion

The Uneme people have a traditional system of governance that emphasizes community involvement and decision-making. This is very important to them as it means that their people are well taken care of.


It is important to know that some of their cultural practices and beliefs have evolved over time and some of them are no longer practised. Another important fact about them is that even facing modernization and outside influences, the Uneme people have continued to preserve and celebrate their unique cultural heritage.

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