13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ura (Ula) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Each ethnic group in Nigeria have their own interesting and unique facts about the people and the same is to be said about the Ura Ethnic group in Nigeria. Also, the Ura Ethnic Group in Nigeria is an ethnic group that has its own unique culture, tradition and history. Though it shares some similarities with other ethnic groups in its region.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ura Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Ura (Ula) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The people of the Ura Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts will be shared with you in this post.

1. Their Home State

The Ura people can be found all over Nigeria due to relocation and some other reasons but their main state of Residence is Niger State.

2. Language

The people of this ethnic group speak the Ura language. Also, this language is taught orally and it is spoken to them from their childhood, the language is spoken by just a few people and is taught to be going extinct.

3. Their Other Language Spoken is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ura Ethnic Group

In addition, You will find the people of this ethnic group speaking English language as this is the official language of the country. They are also fluent in other languages especially some of the languages of other ethnic groups.

4. Their Economy

The people of the Ura ethnic group’s major source of economy is agriculture, though that is still a big part of their Economy they also have other sources

5. Religion

The people of this ethnic group are majorly Christians with a few of them practicing their traditional religion and others who are Muslims in their community.

6. Their Interaction with Other Ethnic Groups is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ura Ethnic Group

In addition, the people have good interaction with the neighboring ethnic groups though there have been some conflicts which were easily resolved. They are also a peaceful people.

7. Festivals

Commonly celebrated festivals are Christmas, Easter, and Ramadan and they also celebrate other festivals that have to do with their harvest. These festivals are also celebrated annually and are very important to them.

8. Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is important to the people of the Ura ethnic group. The medicine is made from herbs which are sometimes boiled or chewed. Also, traditional medicine plays an important role in their society and has great importance.

9. Their Marriage is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ura Ethnic Group

Marriage is a big deal among The Ura ethnic group and since they are a minority there is not much known about their marriage customs.

10. Traditional Attire

The traditional attire of the Ura people is very colorful and it has a significant meaning to the people. In addition, due to modern times, traditional attire is mainly worn for special occasions like festivals and marriages.

11. Natural Resources

The Land in which the Ura people reside is blessed with natural resources such as Iron ore, Gold, Uranium, Salt and many more.

12. Their Education System is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of the Ura Ethnic Group

Education is very important to the Ura people and their children are sent to schools from an early age so that they can become good members of society.

13. Oral Tradition

Oral tradition has been around for centuries and it is still around today. Children are taught orally about their traditions and cultures. Also, it is used to pass down myths and legends about their ancestors.


These are just a few things about this ethnic group. There are plenty more things to learn about them and you can learn more about them by visiting them at their primary state which is Plateau State in Nigeria.

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