13 Interesting Facts About the People of Urhobo Ethnic Group in Nigeria

There are lots of interesting things about the Urhobo People, including facts about their marriage process, festivals, ethnic religion and so much more. So, consider going through and learning about this Wonder ethnic group that resides in the southern part of Nigeria.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Urhobo Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Urhobo Ethnic Group

The people of the Urhobo Ethnic Group have some interesting facts about them and these facts would be shared with you in this post.

1. Location

Most of the people of the Urhobo ethnic group are located in the extreme southern region of Nigeria, specifically in the Delta state. However, you can find them in almost every Nigerian state.

In Delta states, they can be found in the following local government areas: Ethiope East, Ethiope West, Okkpe, Sapele, Udu, Ughelli North, ISoko, Ughelli South, Uvwie, Warri South, Patani.

2. Population

Based on information from the Nigerian census which took place in 2006, we can say that there are approximately 1.2 million Urhobo people in Nigeria. And, they make up about 0.5% of the Nigerian population.

3. Their Meals are Among the Facts that are Interesting about Urhobo People

The Urhobo people have credit for creating the very popular African delicacy, Starch and Banga soup, a meal that many enjoy. Also, Banga soup is prepared using palm kernel and starch is prepared using cassava, it is then cooked with palm oil to colour it.

However, another one of their meals is Oghwo Soup, which they prepare using: dried fish, bush meat, unique spices, potash, and oil palm juice, it is also eaten with starch.

4. Related Ethnic Groups

For related ethnic groups, we have picked ethnic groups that have one or more of the following criteria filled, similarity in language, location, food, or clothing to the Urhobo ethnic group. So, based on that, we have the following: Isoko, Bini, Esan, Afemai, Ijaw, Itsekiri

5. Language

The people of the Urhobo ethnic group speak four different languages: Urhobo, Isoko, Okpe and Nigeria pidgin. Out of all these, Urhobo is their main language, while nearby ethnic groups speak Isoko, Okpe, and Uvwie.

6. Ethnic Religion is on the List of Interesting Facts about Urhobo people

Urhobo people believe in the almighty God, “Oghene”. Oghene can act as a judge in situations, He is seen as a fair judge. In addition, they believe in the presence of spirits as guides and in an afterlife where they can be reunited with their ancestors.

7. Folktales

Folktales have many uses in this ethnic group and are certainly helpful in passing important life lessons. And, folktales are used to pass important life lessons to youth and to pass on language.

8. Occupation

The people of the Urhobo ethnic groups are farmers. Furthermore, they use their farming to generate food for themselves and as a means to trade with nearby ethnic groups. And, for instance, they produce palm kernel, rice, corn, cassava, and yam.

9. Religion is one of the Facts about the Urhobo People that are Interesting

The Urhobo people follow three main religions, Christianity, Islam, and their ethnic religion. Out of these three, Christianity has the most followers

10. Marriage

In the process of marriage, the groom was visit the bride’s house to offer them kola nut, salt, and sometimes food which the bride’s family requests. After which, the bride’s family approves the marriage or those who represent her family. Marriage takes place in the ancestral house of the bride.

11. Nearby Spectacles

For nearby Spectacles, we have beautiful sights that you could get to see while going to visit the Urhobo ethnic group. We have the River Ethiope source, The mungo Park house, and Nelson Mandela Gardens.

12. Relationship with Other Ethnic Groups: Interesting Facts about Urhobo People

The Urhobo People have lived peacefully with all the ethnic groups around them so far. Also, they even trade resources and share some social amenities.

13. Festivals

Most of the festivals performed by the Urhobo people have to do with the water they have swimming contests, fishing festivals and others. Also, the fishing festival is annual and takes place for two days, which they refer to as “Ohworu”.


Lastly, the Urhobo people are very welcoming and loveable people in Delta State. And, trust me you will surely enjoy every bit of your stay with these people because they are fun to be with. Also, they have a unique tongue in which they speak pidgin English which might leave you laughing out loud.

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