13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uwanno (Weppa-Uwanno) Ethnic Group in Nigeria

This article contains 13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Uwanno (Weppa-Uwanno) Ethnic Group in Nigeria. If you know little or nothing about them and want to know more, then this article will be of help to you. You will get to learn about the Uwanno people as well as the state that they reside in.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uwanno Ethnic Group

Interesting Facts About the People of Uwanno Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The following are educational and interesting facts about the people of the Uwanno ethnic group in Nigeria that you should know;

1. Location

The people reside in the south-south geopolitical zone of Nigeria, Edo State. The state is also home to other indigenous tribes and kingdoms.

2. Local Government Area

The Uwanno people live in the Weppa-Uwanno kingdom which is located in the Etsako East local government area of Edo State. The local council serves as the people’s administrative authority.

3. Leadership Pattern is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Uwanno Ethnic Group 

In present-day administration, the people have two traditional rulers from two different clans. The rulership pattern of the people comprises the Weppa Clan kingship as well as the Uwanno Clan kingship.

4. Language

The Uwanno people speak the same version of the Etsako language. The people based on their different clans have grouped their language to be called the Uwanno dialect.

5. Boundary

The kingdom of Weppa-Uwanno has boundaries to the east, west and also the south. The states or other kingdoms that form the Uwanno boundary are Avianwu, Ibie, Ekperi, as well as Idah which is across the Niger River.

Geographically speaking, Weppa-Uwanno is in the north-eastern part of Etsako territory. Okpekpe clan bounds it to the west, Avianwu clan bounds it to the south, Okene clan in Ebira land bounds it to the north and River Niger and Idah in Igala land bounds it to the east.

6. History is Among the Interesting Facts About the People of Uwanno Ethnic Group 

In precolonial times, the administration of the Weppa Uwanno people was a republican system of government. However, in modern times, the people saw the creation of the system of kingship.

The rulership of the clans in history was by various Ukpi drummers. Also, there were the village heads who oversaw the different villages and towns. After the village head, the family head was next in the hierarchy of leadership.

7. Village System

The kingdom of Weppa-Uwanno consists of several villages and towns. The city of Agenebode serves as the administrative capital of all the Weppa people as well as the Etsako East Council. Also, it serves as the ancestral city of the people both at home and in diaspora.

8. Major Villages

The kingdom consists of several villages and some of the major ones are Ivianokpodi, Unuedeghor, Ekwotsor, Itsokwi, Emokweme, Iviari, Aviodor, Ovao, Agiere, Iviebua, Othame, Iviuhua, Igiode, Iviokpisa as well as Iviegbeoui.

9. Creation of the Uwanno Kingship; Interesting Facts About the People of Uwanno Ethnic Group 

The symbol of the Weppa-Uwanno kingship is the Okumagbe’s stool. It was created through the Colonial Government Chief Commissioner’s letter No. 12941108 of May 1939. This was after the merging of the Weppa and Wanno Clans and the kingship system came into view.

10. Kingship System

Since there are five clans, five kingship groups were formed. As such, the throne of the Okumagbe is rotated among the five kingship groups. This is to make equal representation among the different clans.

11. First and Present Monarch

After the creation of the Okumagbe throne, Chief Ogabki 1 became the first monarch of the Uwanno people. He was called Okumagbe which means “unifier” in translation. As at the time of writing this, the present monarch of the Uwanno people is Dr. Eghabor. He is a chartered accountant as well as an industrialist and he is also from the Iviokpisa clan.

12. Culture and Relationship is Another Interesting Facts About the People of Uwanno Ethnic Group 

The Weppa-Uwanno people have good relationships with their neighbours and they are an easygoing tribe. Also, the people have a rich cultural heritage that could be harnessed for the exposure of the land as well as the entire country.

13. Occupation

The people in early times were fishers, traders as well as farmers. Agenebode which is the administrative capital of the Uwanno community was a small fishing and trading post to a major European merchant capital in the era of legitimate trade before the year 1870.


These are some facts that you should learn about the Uwanno people. The facts contain their history, kingship pattern as well as other factors.

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