13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group in Nigeria

Are you interested in discovering 13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group in Nigeria? Stick around! The Uyanga people are a minority ethnic group located in various areas of the state, especially in the Akampka and Obudu Local Government areas of Cross River state.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group in Nigeria

These interesting facts you are about to read about the people of the Uyanga ethnic group in Nigeria will teach you about them;

1. Population

The Uyanga people are a small ethnic group in Nigeria, with a population
of around 10,000 people. They are one of the smallest ethnic groups in Nigeria, and are often referred to as the “Pygmies of Nigeria”.

2. Locality

They are found in the Obudu Mountains, and also in the Okpo Usun area, Cross River State, Nigeria. They are also found in other parts of the state, but these two are their main strongholds.

3. Language; Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group

The people speak the Uyanga language, which is a member of the Niger-Congo language family.

4. Occupation

The people of the Uyanga ethnic group are subsistence farmers who grow yams, cassava, and plantains as well as other crops. In addition to this, they are also hunters, gatherers and wood carvers.

5. Cultural Practices

The Uyanga people are known for their elaborate body painting, as well as their Music and their traditional dance.

6. Religion is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group

These people are religious people, that believe in a supreme being that they call “Abasi”, and also in a number of other spirits. The Uyanga ethnic group also includes a sizable number of Christians (primarily Catholics) and Muslims (a minority).

7. History

The origin of the Uyanga people in the 15th century, settling in the Obudu Mountains, Nigeria, is still a mystery. There are theories suggesting migration from the Congo River basin due to linguistic links, while others propose migration from the  Cameroon Highlands due to cultural similarities.

The possibility of multiple migration sources is supported by their diverse genetic makeup. However, their true origin remains uncertain.

8. Traditional Food

Some of their traditional food include Abang, as well as Eku, Ikpe, Mbe, and Ndondo. The Uyanga people also enjoy a variety of other dishes, such as roasted meat, grilled
fish, and fruits.

9. Stereotypes and Misconceptions; Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group

One of these misconceptions is that they are lazy and uneducated. These are actually harmful and inaccurate.

10. Media Representation

Poor media representation of these people has also contributed to the stereotypes they have to deal with.

11. Inheritance

The Uyanga people are a matrilineal society, which means that the passing down of property as well as inheritance is via the female line.

12. Challenges; Interesting Facts About the People of Uyanga Ethnic Group

They are facing many challenges, including deforestation, as well as climate change, poverty, and discrimination.

13. Infrastructure

The people of the Uyanga ethnic group have very limited infrastructure, as they live in a remote area of Nigeria. There is no electricity or running water in the Uyanga community, and people rely on traditional methods for cooking and sanitation.


The people of Uyanga are a valuable asset to Nigeria. They have a rich culture and
tradition, and they are a source of inspiration for others.

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