13 Interesting Facts About the People of Vemgo Ethnic Group in Nigeria

The Vemgo people are a fascinating set of people. Here, you will be learning 13 Interesting Facts About the People of the Vemgo Ethnic Group in Nigeria. The Vemgo people are mostly found in the southern part of Adamawa State, Nigeria, and have a population of around 10,000 people.

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Vemgo Ethnic Group

13 Interesting Facts About the People of Vemgo Ethnic Group in Nigeria

These interesting facts you are about to read about the people of the Vemgo ethnic group in Nigeria will teach you about them;

1. History

The Vemgo people are thought to have their roots in the Mandara Mountains in Northern Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria. In the 19th century, they were caught up in the Fulani Jihad; and in the 20th century, they came under British colonial rule.

After independence, the Vemgo people have faced a number of challenges, including the Boko Haram insurgency and the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Religion

The majority of these people practice Islam, with a small number adhering to traditional religions and Christianity. Their religion is dynamic and it evolving. As they interact with other cultures and religions, their beliefs are constantly changing and adapting.

3. Marriage custom is One of the Interesting Facts About the People of Vemgo Ethnic Group 

They have a unique system of marriage. In their culture, the payment of bride price is with goats.

4. Music and dance

They are fond of music and dance, and they have a number of traditional dances that they perform on special occasions.

5. Festivals

The Vemgo people celebrate the Oshe Festival, which is a harvest festival, as well as the Ngawo Festival, which is a festival of the dead.

6. Art and crafts; Interesting Facts About the People of Vemgo Ethnic Group 

They are very skilful in arts and crafts, and they are famous for their traditional pottery, weaving, and also beadwork.

7. Land and territorial issues

The Vemgo people have a long history of land encroachment by other ethnic groups. In some cases, the use of force was the method with which the Vemgo people left their traditional lands and homes.

8. Achievements

They have made a number of important achievements in a variety of fields like Agriculture, Music and dance, as well as Arts and crafts.

9. Traditional food; Interesting Facts About the People of Vemgo Ethnic Group 

Some of their most popular traditional foods include Tuwo, Egusi soup, and Ngala. They also enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables, including bananas, plantains, mangoes, and tomatoes.

10. Challenges and struggles

They have faced a number of challenges over the years, including Land encroachment, Poverty, Education, as well as poor Healthcare.

11. Language and dialects

The Vemgo people speak a language called Vemgo, which is a member of the Benue-Congo language family.

12. Folklore, myths, and legends are Another Interesting Facts About the People of Vemgo Ethnic Group

They have a rich tradition of folklore, myths, and legends. Some of the most popular Vemgo folklore includes stories about the creation of the world, the origin of their people, and the exploits of their heroes.

13. Contribution to science and technology  

The Vemgo people have made a number of contributions to science and technology. For example, they have developed a number of traditional medicines that are used to treat a variety of ailments. They have also developed a number of traditional agricultural techniques that are used to improve crop yields.


The people of the Vemgo ethnic group are a wonderful sect and are here to stay. If you find these people pretty interesting, I encourage you to learn more about them when you can.

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