Job Openings at Noxx: Remote Job

Are you looking for a job in Nigeria? If so, you might consider the Noxx job openings. This blog post contains details about the latest Noxx job openings so you can send your applications. Let’s dive in!

Job Openings at Noxx

Remote Backend Software Engineer Job at Noxx

Job Location: Remote

Salary: $30/hr

Noxx is an early-stage startup, building an AI-powered hiring tool. We believe in merit-based job opportunities.

Our team is composed of dedicated professionals passionate about revolutionizing the hiring process. We are backed by prominent angels and VCs.

Role and Responsibilities 

As a Backend Software Engineer, you will:

  • Be involved in building a hiring management tool, which includes AI powered features(LLM, Image Detection, Audio Detection)
  • Be responsible for designing and building features from scratch.
  • Communicate with the team asynchronously and make technical decisions independently.

Experience and Skills Requirements

Must Have:

  • 5+ years experience in web development
  • Experience in working for small teams or startups. Ship features by communicating with stakeholders.
  • Experience in leading a team as a tech lead/project owner
  • Proven experience in product development
  • Proficiency in English

Nice to have:

  • Experience in developing ML/AI products
  • Understands a basic concept of AI Chatbot(RAG/CoT/ReAct)
  • Experience in the HR industry(e.g. Developed Application Tracking System)

Technical Requirements 

We use TypeScript for both Frontend and Backend. The backend is built on serverless architecture.


  • Extensive knowledge of AWS, especially AWS CDK and CloudFormation
  • AWS Lambda, Step Functions, AWS RDS, GraphQL(Hasura/Apollo),PostgreSQL(Relational DB), Prisma, S3, Auth0

Frontend (Optional)

  • Extensive knowledge of Next.js(React), Tailwind CSS, GraphQL(Apollo)

Probationary period 

  • We have three months of the probationary period.
  • In the probationary period, we evaluate deliverables, contributions to the team, and communication skills

Logistics and Work Environment 

  • Location: remote (Must overlap 5+ hours with PT timezone(UTC−08))
  • Commitment: Full-time

Team meetings:

  • 20 min Daily sync (Monday – Friday)
  • Product Sprint planning(every Monday)

Compensation and Benefits

  • Equity: 0.75 % Stock Options(1 year cliff, 4 years vesting, 18,750 USD/yr worth)
  • Unique Perks: A virtual credit card to pay for benefits(Up to $300/month for co-working space/books).

How to Apply

Open this link to apply.

For more information about the role or the company, please contact Tomo at

Also, Chech Out: