Apply for the John Allwright Fellowship 2024

This informs the public about the Apply for the John Allwright Fellowship 20244. Details about the Program are given below.

Apply for the John Allwright Fellowship 2024

he John Allwright Fellowship (JAF) provides scientists, from partner countries currently or recently involved in ACIAR research projects, with the opportunity to obtain formal postgraduate qualifications at an Australian tertiary institution. The main aim of the Fellowship is to enhance scientific research capability in ACIAR partner country institutions.

Program Details

The JAF program is the largest investment in the ACIAR Capacity Building Program. It provides PhD and master’s by research scholarships to agricultural researchers, administered through the Australia Awards system.

ACIAR provides additional pastoral care and development opportunities to strengthen the leadership skills of participants during their scholarship to help bridge the gap between study and the next stages of their careers. There are approximately 38 JAFs studying in Australia at 18 universities across the country.

In its Gender Equity Policy and Strategy 2017-​2022, ACIAR committed to achieving gender parity in its Capacity Building Program by 2020. In line with this commitment, women now comprise at least half of the new JAFs.


Applicants must be citizens of the country in which they are working.

In addition to the selection criteria outlined in the Australia Awards framework, to be eligible for selection, a candidate must:

  • have worked on an ACIAR project within 24-months of applying
  • at the time of applying, hold qualifications that would be assessed to be equivalent to at least an Australian bachelor’s degree in a discipline that is relevant to the proposed area of postgraduate study
  • be a scientist or economist from the developing country partner (excluding India and Myanmar) who is actively involved in a collaborative research project supported by ACIAR at the time of application (in some cases, ACIAR will consider supporting researchers from “advanced pipeline” projects, i.e. in cases where a full project proposal has been approved by ACIAR)
  • must be jointly supported in the application by the Australian and partner country Project Leaders where the ACIAR project is commissioned to an Australian partner;
    or must be jointly supported in the application by the partner country Project Leader and the international leader where the ACIAR project is commissioned to an international partner.
  • obtain approval from the employing institution who must agree to the absence of the candidate should they receive a scholarship for the period involved in obtaining the postgraduate qualification
  • confirm (in writing) support from proposed Research Supervisor/s, and
  • demonstrate that they are employed on a permanent rather than short-term contract basis.

How to Apply

For those interested in the Apply for the John Allwright Fellowship 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 31 May 2024.

Open this link for more details about Apply for the John Allwright Fellowship 2024.

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