NITDA Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Programme 2023-2024 (up to N10,000,000) | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the NITDA Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Programme 2023. Details about the Program are given below.NITDA Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Programme 2023

About NITDA Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Programme 2023

The UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development was created in 2008 to support the improvement of teaching and learning quality in achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education, which is one of UNESCO’s priorities.

Awarded every two years, the Prize is generously supported by the Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance (Hamdan Foundation).

Program Details

The Hamdan Foundation was established in 1998 by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance of the United Arab Emirates. The Foundation targets educational excellence and the sponsorship of giftedness and innovation, to improve educational performance at all levels and sectors, honouring all groups and relevant authorities in the education sector and institutions, as well as the individuals who provide outstanding achievements and creations.

The Prize amounts to US $300,000, which is equally divided between three winners whose projects aim at improving worldwide the performance and effectiveness of teachers worldwide.


  • Who can nominate?

Governments of UNESCO Member States via their National Commissions to UNESCO and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO can make up to 5 nominations. Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • National Commissions: the nomination letter is drafted by the President or Secretary General of the National Commission.
  • NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO: the nomination letter is drafted by the President or Director-General at headquarters. If the NGO has branches, the Head of the NGO branch may draft the nomination letter, however a communication confirming that the candidate nomination has been approved by the executive leadership at headquarters should be joined to the nomination letter from the branch.
  • Who can be nominated?

Institutions or organizations; international or national governmental or non-governmental organizations; educational or research institutions active in the field of teaching and learning.

Nominations must focus on an established project or programme of the candidate, which is ongoing and has been running for at least three years and that meets the selection criteria (see below). Attention should be paid to presenting the project/programme of the candidate in a clear and structured way.

Projects from individuals are not eligible for nominations and will not be considered. Only projects from organizations and institutions may be nominated.

NITDA Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Programme 2023 Application

For those interested in NITDA Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Programme 2023. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 7 December 2023.

Open this link for more details about NITDA Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Programme 2023.

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