Call for Projects: Pure Ocean Challenges 2024 (up to €40,000) | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Call for Projects: Pure Ocean Challenges 2024. Details about the Program are given below.

Pure Ocean Challenges 2024

About Pure Ocean Challenges 2024

Pure Ocean is an international endowment fund based in Marseille and Lorient. Its main mission is to mobilize civil society in order to support ambitious and innovative scientific projects for the protection of biodiversity and fragile marine ecosystems.

Through an international call for projects, and then an analysis carried out by the five eminent researchers who make up the scientific committee, Pure Ocean selects projects with a strong innovative dimension, whether technological, ecological or social.

Program Details

This year, special attention will be given to:

  • focusing on pressures on the Mediterranean Sea
  • targeting polar ecosystems
  • responding to the issues related to plastic pollution
  • proposing “nature-based solutions” through the protection of marine habitats (blue carbon, food security, etc.).

Projects that do not correspond to these descriptions but meet the eligibility criteria will of course, be accepted.


Selected projects will receive up to €40,000/year (average €25,000/year), for a duration of one to two years, at the discretion of the Scientific Committee. A two-year project can therefore receive a maximum of 80,000 euros and support for certain projects can be renewed.


  • The project must respond to one or more Pure Ocean Challenges.
  • We seek out and support projects all over the world.
  • There is no age limit, but candidates in the early stages of their career are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Only non-profit organizations (NGOs, universities, research institutes) can apply and receive funding.The project can however include acollaboration with organizations from the private sector (companies, startups, etc.)
  • Applicants must clearly outline their co-financing opportunities in their budget, as well as a minimum operating budget in the event that Pure Ocean is unable to grant the full amount requested.

Pure Ocean Challenges 2024 Application

For those interested in Pure Ocean Challenges 2024. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 November 2023.
  • Open this link for more details about Pure Ocean Challenges 2024.

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