Story Exchange Women in Science Incentive Prize 2023 ($25,000 total award) | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Story Exchange Women in Science Incentive Prize 2023. Details about the Program are given below.

Story Exchange Women in Science Incentive Prize 2023

About Story Exchange Women in Science Incentive Prize 2023

The cash prize will support U.S.-based women working to find innovative, science-based solutions as climate change disrupts and depletes our natural resources. This year, the focus is on women leading efforts in soil.

(Previous prizes focused on women working in water and in air.) A total of 5 recipients will be awarded $5,000 each and potential media coverage via The Story Exchange, which produces videos, articles and podcasts for entrepreneurial women. Finalists will be selected by a panel of judges following a rigorous scientific review and based on an assessment by The Story Exchange editors.

Program Details

“Women in science often face unconscious or implicit bias, yet they are still dedicating their careers to making this world better, safer and healthier for generations to come,” said Sue Williams, executive director of The Story Exchange. “Through this year’s prize, we aim to support women scientists working to manage the devastating impact of climate change on soil, one of our most vital natural resources.”


Eligible candidates for the Women In Science Incentive Prize will be scientists with advanced degrees in the fields of physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, agronomy, environmental science or closely related fields; or entrepreneurs with advanced degrees who are creating science-based products and technologies to help mitigate/reduce the impact of climate change through innovative practices focused on natural soils.

Story Exchange Women in Science Incentive Prize 2023 Application

For those interested in Story Exchange Women in Science Incentive 2023. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 14 July 2023.

Open this link for more details about the Story Exchange Women in Science Incentive Prize 2023.

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