Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Biomedical Technology

There are limited opportunities to study Biomedical Technology in Nigerian Universities, as only three Universities offer it as a Course. In this post, you will see the three universities that offer Biomedical Technology in Nigeria, what Biomedical Technology is as a course and answers to the frequently asked questions.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Biomedical Technology

Biomedical Technology is a multidisciplinary field that applies engineering and technology principles to healthcare and medicine. In a Biomedical Technology course, students learn about the design, development, and maintenance of medical equipment and devices used in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care.

The curriculum typically covers medical imaging technologies, biomedical instrumentation, bioinformatics, biomechanics, and medical device regulation and safety. If you are a student who wishes to study Biomedical Technology, see the list of universities that offer it in Nigeria below.

Federal University of Technology Offering Biomedical Technology

Private Universities Offering Biomedical Technology

Mountain Top is a Christian university, the only private university that offers this course.

Affiliated Universities

  • Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu, affiliated with the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, offers a Biomedical Technology course.

Is Biomedical Technology a Hard University Course to Study?

Biomedical Technology can be considered a hard university course to study in Nigeria. Its interdisciplinary nature, combining engineering, biology, and healthcare principles, can be complex for some students to grasp. Understanding and applying concepts from multiple fields require a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Furthermore, students must familiarize themselves with medical device regulations, safety standards, and quality assurance practices. This regulatory knowledge adds another layer of complexity to the course.

Is Biomedical Technology a Good University Course to Study in Nigeria?

Biomedical Technology is an excellent university course in Nigeria due to its relevance, interdisciplinary nature, career opportunities, societal impact, and focus on innovation.

Firstly, Biomedical Technology equips students with the knowledge and skills to develop innovative medical devices and technologies that address critical healthcare challenges. This field is highly relevant to the healthcare sector, contributing to advancements in medical technology and improving patient care.

Additionally, biomedical technology’s interdisciplinary nature integrates principles from engineering, biology, and healthcare, providing students with a broad and multidisciplinary perspective.

This approach fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity, preparing students for diverse career opportunities in the healthcare and technology sectors.

How Many Years Does it Take to Study Biomedical Technology in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, studying Biomedical Technology at the university level usually takes four to five years. Students cover foundational courses in biomedical engineering, biology, physiology, medical instrumentation, and healthcare systems during this time.

Which University is the Best for Studying Biomedical Technology?

The Federal University of Technology Akure can be considered the best university to study biomedical technology among the universities listed above.

Where Can Biomedical Technology University Graduates Work?

Biomedical Technology University graduates in Nigeria have a wide range of career opportunities.

They can work in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare centres, where they play a vital role in managing medical equipment and devices, ensuring their proper functioning, and conducting maintenance and repairs. In these settings, graduates may work as biomedical engineers, clinical engineers, or medical equipment technicians.

In addition, they may work in research and development, regulatory affairs, product management, or technical support roles.


In conclusion, while Biomedical Technology presents challenges, it also offers exciting opportunities to contribute to advancements in healthcare technology.
