Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Counsellor Education

Not many Universities offer Counsellor Education programs in Nigeria. However, this article aims to provide a list of universities that offer this program. Counsellor education is a specialized field that equips individuals with the skills and knowledge to guide and support individuals facing various life challenges.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Counsellor Education

There are only a few Universities in Nigeria Offering Counsellor Education. Students delve into theoretical frameworks, counselling techniques, and practical experiences to prepare for their roles as empathetic and effective practitioners.

In addition, by engaging in hands-on training and academic study, graduates can emerge equipped with the necessary skills to positively impact the well-being of individuals and communities.

Below is the complete list of universities in Nigeria offering Counselor Education.

State Universities Offering Counsellor Education

Only two universities in Nigeria offer Counselor Education programs. One of them is Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University.

Federal Universities Offering Counsellor Education

The second university that offers this program is the University of Ilorin, located in Kwara state.

Is Counsellor Education a Hard University Course to Study in Nigeria?

Counsellor Education in Nigeria can be academically and emotionally demanding due to its multifaceted nature. The coursework encompasses theoretical frameworks, counselling techniques, and practical experiences, requiring students to integrate knowledge and skills effectively.

Additionally, students engage in role-play, case studies, and supervised counselling sessions, which can be emotionally challenging as they navigate real-life scenarios.

Is Counsellor Education a Good University Course to Study in Nigeria?

Counsellor Education is a good university course to study for individuals passionate about helping others overcome challenges. This field equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective counselling and support to individuals.

Studying Counsellor Education in Nigeria offers numerous benefits, including opportunities for personal growth, professional development, and making a positive impact on society.

How Many Years Does it Take to Study Counsellor Education in Nigeria?

A bachelor’s degree program in counsellor education in Nigeria takes four years. After completing their undergraduate program, students can pursue postgraduate diplomas or master’s degrees in counselling or related fields for one to two years.

Where Can Counsellor Education University Graduates Work in Nigeria?

Counsellor Education university graduates in Nigeria have diverse career opportunities. They can work in educational institutions, healthcare settings, NGOs, private practice, rehabilitation centres, or corporate environments.


In conclusion, Counsellor Education equips graduates with valuable skills to support individuals’ mental health across various sectors. With the growing demand for mental health professionals, graduates play a vital role in addressing diverse challenges.


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