Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Hotel Management

Are you a student interested in Hotel Management and Tourism or Hotel Catering Management in Nigeria? You’ve come to the right place! This post will discuss the Universities in Nigeria Offering Hotel Management.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Hotel Management

Hotel Management involves overseeing operations and services in the hospitality industry, ensuring guest satisfaction. Tourism focuses on travel experiences.

Hotel Catering Management entails coordinating food and beverage services within hotels, ensuring quality and customer satisfaction.

In Nigeria, several universities offer these courses, providing students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the industry.

Both Hotel Management and Hotel Catering Management programs cover topics like hospitality operations, customer service, and event planning.

Additionally, students learn about food preparation, menu planning, and cost control in Hotel Catering Management.

These courses prepare graduates for diverse careers in hotels, resorts, event planning, tourism agencies, and food service industries.

By combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, universities equip students with the skills needed for successful careers.

Now, let’s explore some of the universities in Nigeria that offer these sought-after courses.

Universities in Nigeria Offering Hotel Management and Tourism

Federal Universities Offering Hotel Management:

State Universities Offering Hotel Management:

Private Universities:

Universities in Nigeria Offering Hotel Catering Management

E-Learning Universities:

Now, Let us also explore some frequently asked questions candidates usually ask in the section below.

Are both courses the same at the university?

While Hotel Management and Hotel Catering Management share similarities, they have distinct focuses within the hospitality industry.

Hotel Management typically covers a broader range of topics, including hotel operations, guest services, marketing, and financial management.

On the other hand, Hotel Catering Management specifically emphasizes food and beverage operations within hotels, including menu planning, food preparation, and catering services.

While some universities may offer both courses within their hospitality management programs, they often have separate modules or specializations to address the specific needs of each area.

Students pursuing Hotel Management might explore topics such as front office operations, housekeeping management, and hospitality law.

Meanwhile, those focusing on Hotel Catering Management may study culinary arts, food safety standards, and banquet management in greater detail.

Ultimately, both courses provide valuable skills for careers in the hospitality industry, but they cater to different aspects of hotel and hospitality management.

Are Both Courses Hard to Study at The University?

While both Hotel Management and Hotel Catering Management require dedication and hard work, they are generally considered manageable courses of study in university.

Students in these programs often find the coursework engaging and relevant to their career aspirations in the hospitality industry.

The practical nature of these courses, which often includes internships or hands-on training, helps students apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.

Additionally, the collaborative and dynamic nature of the hospitality industry fosters a supportive learning environment.

However, like any field of study, challenges may arise, such as time management with practical assignments, balancing coursework with internships or part-time work, or mastering certain technical skills.

With commitment, effective study habits, and support from professors and peers, students can successfully navigate these challenges and excel in Hotel Management and Hotel Catering Management programs.

How Many Years Does It Take to Study This Course?

Typically, both Hotel Management and Hotel Catering Management courses in university last for about four years.

During this time, students cover a range of theoretical and practical subjects relevant to the hospitality industry.

The first two years often focus on foundational courses such as hospitality management principles, business fundamentals, and general education requirements.

In the third and fourth years, students delve deeper into specialized topics related to hotel management, catering, tourism, and other aspects of the hospitality field.

Also, upon successful completion of the program, graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue careers in various sectors of the hospitality industry.

Where can University Graduates of Both courses Work in Nigeria?

Graduates of Hotel Management and Hotel Catering Management programs in Nigeria have access to a range of employment opportunities within various industries.

These industries include hotels and resorts, restaurants and food service, tourism, event management, hospitality consulting, entrepreneurship, cruise lines, airlines, and government and non-profit organizations.

The hospitality industry in Nigeria offers diverse career paths, allowing graduates to apply their knowledge and skills in different sectors. As such, graduates can expect to find a wide range of career prospects that cater to their professional interests and expertise.


In conclusion, students aspiring to study any of the courses above should visit the school portal to learn more about the requirements for each course so that they can make an informed decision.


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