Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Human Nutrition

Do you want to study Human Nutrition? If so, many universities in Nigeria offer Human Nutrition. Therefore, knowing the list of universities offering it is essential. This article will give you the complete list of universities offering Human Nutrition.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Human Nutrition

As the course name implies, Human Nutrition studies nutrients in food and other consumable materials that improve human health. It also deals with nutrients in the human body. Courses in this field are very competitive, and the same applies to Human Nutrition, among the most competitive courses offered at Nigerian universities.

Below are the universities in Nigeria offering this course.

Private Universities Offering Human Nutrition

Unfortunately, only one university in Nigeria offers human nutrition courses. However, these universities are among the best in Nigeria for studying this course.

  • Mudiame University, Irrua, Edo State.

Where Can Human Nutrition Science Graduates Work in Nigeria?

Many jobs are available for those who study this course but are competitive. Students should ensure that they graduate with a reasonable degree. One who wants to study Human Nutrition should not know that the job availability is high but competitive. Below are some of the careers available.

  • Personal Nutritionist
  • Clinical Dietitian
  • Food Safety Auditor
  • Sports Nutritionist
  • Registered Dietitian
  • Eating Disorder Nutritionist
  • College Nutritionist

Is Medical Human Nutrition a Good Course to Study at a University?

Studying medical human nutrition at university can be a good choice because it opens up many job options, such as becoming a nutritionist, dietitian, health educator, researcher, or consultant. There’s a growing need for experts in this field. But it’s also challenging. You’ll need to study hard and think critically.

Nutrition science is always changing, so you’ll need to keep learning. Also, you’ll have practical experiences like internships to learn hands-on skills. If you like nutrition and want to help people be healthier, studying Medical Human Nutrition can be a great journey.

Is Human Nutrition a Hard Course to Study?

Courses can be challenging, but the difficulty level can vary depending on individual strengths, interests, and the program you’re enrolled in. Here are some factors to consider regarding the difficulty of this field;

  • Individual aptitude
  • Academic background
  • Faculty and Resources
  • Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Interest and Passion

Years to Study Human Nutrition in the Universities

If there are no carryovers, it would typically take students about three to four years to study Human Nutrition at the universities. Looking at the career aspects of the course, students should note that many high-paying job opportunities are available. If you want to know some of the careers available for one who studied this course, check the list below.


We hope you find this article helpful. But before we go, Students should note that they must meet the school requirements to qualify for admission. Also, students should make sure they use the right subject.

Students should also ensure they have a grade because admission will be highly competitive, given that few universities in Nigeria offer this course.


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