Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Social Science

Not many universities in Nigeria offer social science courses; however, you will see the universities that offer this course. Also, you will see a summary of universities’ roles and answers to frequently asked questions.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Social Science

Universities offering Social Science programs provide a platform for students to explore the complexities of human behaviour, society, and culture.

By studying Social Science, students gain a deeper understanding of societal dynamics, political systems, and cultural phenomena, which prepare them to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Private Universities Offering Social Science

Salem University is the only university in Nigeria that offers Social Science courses.

Is Social Science a Hard University Course to Study in Nigeria?

Social Science can be perceived as a challenging course due to its interdisciplinary nature. It requires students to analyze complex human behaviour, societal structures, and cultural phenomena, often involving critical thinking and research skills.

However, difficulty can vary depending on individual interests and aptitudes. Some may find certain aspects of Social Science more challenging than others, such as statistical analysis in economics or theoretical frameworks in sociology.

Is Social Science a Good University Course to Study in Nigeria?

Social Science is a Good and rewarding university course to study in Nigeria.

It offers a comprehensive understanding of human behaviour and societal dynamics that prepare students for diverse career paths and promote social awareness.

By studying Social Science, students develop critical thinking skills, research abilities, and a broad perspective on global issues, making them well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Additionally, Social Science graduates play essential roles in various sectors, including government, education, research, non-profit organizations, and business, contributing to societal progress and fostering positive change.

How Many Years Does it Take to Study Social Science in Nigeria?

Studying Social Science in Nigeria typically takes four years for a bachelor’s degree program. This duration may vary depending on the university and specific program requirements.

After completing a bachelor’s degree, students may pursue further studies, such as master’s or doctoral degrees, which can add two to six years, depending on the level of study and research involved.

Where can Social Science University Graduates Work in Nigeria?

Social Science graduates in Nigeria find jobs in diverse sectors like government, NGOs, education, research, and private firms. Roles include policy analysts, coordinators, researchers, educators, social workers, organizers, and consultants.


In conclusion, Social Science is a good course to study in Nigeria. It provides students with a deep understanding of human behaviour, societal structures, and cultural dynamics.


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