Full List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Sports Administration

Sports administration courses are not widely available in Nigeria, as only a few universities offer this course. However, if you are interested in pursuing a career in sports management, there is a university that offers this program.

List of Universities in Nigeria Offering Sports Administration

A Sports Administration degree can prepare you for various roles in sports organizations, event management, facility administration, and athlete representation. The program teaches you the practical skills and theoretical concepts necessary to succeed in the dynamic field of sports management.

By pursuing a Sports Administration degree, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of sports governance, finance, marketing, and leadership. The curriculum covers areas such as sports law, ethics, strategic planning, and fundraising, which can help you navigate the complexities of the sports industry.

If you are interested in becoming a sports administrator, this program can help you develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills that are crucial for success in this competitive field. Keep reading to find out which university offers Sports Administration in Nigeria.

Private Universities offering Sports Administration

Sports University is the only University in Nigeria that offers this program. It is located in Idumuje Ugboko, Delta State.

  • Sports University.

Is Sports Administration a Hard Course to Study in Nigeria?

Like any other university course, sports administration can be challenging and rewarding. The difficulty of the program depends on various factors, such as individual aptitude, dedication, and the specific curriculum of the university.

While some students may find certain aspects of sports governance, finance, or strategic planning challenging, others may excel in areas like event management or marketing within the sports context.

Additionally, the field’s practical nature often requires students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, which can present its own challenges.

However, with proper guidance and resources, students can overcome these challenges and thrive in their sports administration studies.

Is Sports Administration a Good University Course to Study in Nigeria?

Sports administration is indeed a valuable university course to study in Nigeria for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a pathway to a fulfilling career in the sports industry, which is rapidly growing and evolving in the country.

Graduates of sports administration programs can pursue various career opportunities in sports management, event planning, facility administration, and athlete representation.

Secondly, the course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of sports governance, finance, marketing, and leadership principles and practices.

This knowledge equips them with the skills needed to excel in the competitive sports industry and make meaningful contributions to sports organizations and communities.

Additionally, studying Sports Administration allows students to combine their passion for sports with academic learning, making the course enjoyable and intellectually stimulating.

How Many Years Does it Take to Study Sports Administration in Nigeria?

Studying Sport Administration in Nigeria typically takes four years to complete.

Where can Sports Administration Graduates Work in Nigeria

Sports Administration graduates in Nigeria possess versatile skills that enable them to thrive in various industries. They can work in sports organizations such as federations, associations, or governing bodies, managing administrative tasks and organizing events.

Additionally, graduates may find employment in sports clubs, teams, or management agencies, handling player contracts, marketing, and event coordination.


In conclusion, Sports Administration is a highly beneficial course because it equips graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the sports industry.


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