Youth United in Action 2023 | APPLY NOW

This informs the public about the Youth United in Action National Award to Attend the One Young World Summit 2023. Details about the Program are given below.

Youth United in Action 2023

About Youth United in Action 2023

One Young World strives to identify the most influential young leaders from every country in the world. Our objective is to promote and make visible the work of these young catalysts who drive results for development. 

Through various scholarship programs, One Young World provides funding for these young leaders to have the opportunity to attend the Annual Summit and become part of the global community of One Young World Ambassadors.

Program Details

As part of the One Young World National Awards, we are proud to launch the 2023 Jóvenes Unidos en Acción National Award. The award will be given to an outstanding young leader from each of Ecuador’s 24 provinces who demonstrates ethical leadership skills and impact. positive in the following areas:

  • Mental health:  It is related to projects for the promotion, awareness and destigmatization of mental health, access to mental health for disadvantaged people, and the promotion of good practices in daily life.
  • Climate Change:  Its main objectives are initiatives that seek to combat climate change (care for the oceans and the Amazon) and its effects, through education, technological innovation, sustainability, clean energy and the preservation of flora and fauna.
  • Defense of Women:  It focuses on projects that seek to prevent violence against women and their rescue in situations of vulnerability.
  • Migration:  It is related to projects that seek to support migrants in situations of vulnerability and social integration, the prevention of human trafficking, and projects that seek to discourage illegal migration processes.

Youth from all ethnic groups in Ecuador (mestizo, Afro-Ecuadorian, indigenous, Montubio, or other) will be encouraged to apply for the 2023 Jóvenes Unidos en Acción National Award.


  • Access to the One Young World Summit 2023 in Belfast
  • Lifetime membership in the OYW community
  • Hotel accommodation in a private room between 2 and 5 (inclusive) October 2023 for the Summit
  • If necessary, one night in a hotel for the visa application process
  • One additional night on October 1 before the Summit
  • Travel costs to and from Belfast (economy class flights)
  • If necessary, travel expenses for the visa application process 
  • Visa fees, if applicable (including visa fees and travel required for the visa appointment)
  • Food is offered as follows: Breakfast at the accommodation hotel and lunch and dinner at the Summit
  • Transportation between the Summit accommodation and the Summit venue
  • 7 days of daily spending (£20 per day)
  • Travel insurance between October 2 and 5, 2023
  • Translation services for the Opening Ceremony, Plenary Sessions and Closing Ceremony
  • Access to post-Summit development opportunities


  • Be between 18 and 35 years old
  • Be a national of Ecuador and live in Ecuador
  • Work or direct an initiative in the fields of mental health, climate change (care for the oceans and the Amazon), the defense of women or migration.
  • Demonstrated commitment to achieving positive change
  • Demonstrated leadership ability
  • Understanding of the main local and/or global problems
  • Track record of generating impactful and innovative ideas

Youth United in Action 2023 Application

For those interested in Youth United in Action 2023. Open this link to start the application process.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 20 July 2023.

Open this link for more details about Youth United in Action 2023.

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